Sorry I hate you wattpad (lol no)

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Sincerely apologize from me
If anyone is
Forever waiting for me to update
So many big problem happening in univ and my proposal defense is in next month
Heol2~ :"D

If any of you follow me in my twitter or instagram you must know that
Leo and Kim Taehyung is my priority now

Eventho this month I will close my twitter acc and move out from fandom because of the big big big problem I have in inspirit, I'm really sorry, I do know inspirit is a nice fandom..
I found many friends in this fandom..
But I just can't stay still because of some immature fans that hurt my pride and make my name bad infront of other inspirit
And drama fandom is starting again
So I don't really want to see the ending of this drama and decide to leave

I'm really angry about it so everytime I see infinite I feel like "ahh why I must leave them? I know it's not infinite fault
But I just can't stay in this fandom after what happen to me.."

I'm gonna make chapter 41 as the last chapter
I will update it tommorow
See you tommorow haha :)

And goodbye ~
I can't make other story about infinite or myungsoo anymore
Sorry baby boy
It's a farewell from me
Thank you that you always fill my heart in 4 years ^^

Now I have found new baby boy
Trust me kim myungsoo have grow so much since the first time know you..
You have grow this big, grow more bigger and see you again when you come here..
I'll come to see you :)

Infinite L or Kim Myungsoo? in My home?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat