Ch.37 Let me Free

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Sorry for not updating hahaha :"
I get some depression over school stuff
And someone Direct me and ask me, Can I see your Kpop collection??
Well.. I'm not that Rich collector haha
But if you want to see it
I have an Instagram: Myungshin13
You can see my collection there I haven't done posting all of my album but that's a half of it
I will try to post again If I have time :)
FYI : I only buy what I want, means Only INFINITE (lately I start buy some Vixx album)

Myungsoo POV

Sg: So here we are now..

Wh: What is it you want to talk hyung?

Ms: Sungyeol plan?

Sg: Yes it is.. He call me and..

Wh: and??

Sg: He ask me a favor for this plan.. The plan is

Dw: it's dangerous one.. You guys ready??

Wh: well.. I think if we should do it for our sake why not

Sg: So.. I'm going to tell our CEO that we will leave this company

Dw: If they still treating us like this

Sg: Either CEO accept it or not.. It's a betting, If he said "go on" then I'm going to become a vixx new leader

Hy: I will become lovelyz new member

Dw: ....

Ms: ..........

Wh: ..............

Dw: Whatever.. We bet our life in here guys..

Sg: Well.. Should we do it??

Ms: Well I will bet..

Wh: I will too...

Hy: Me too

Dw: Okay I'm in..

Sg: Well then.. Let's Do this!!

Yr: You guys sure??

Ar: Don't you guys think it's..

Hy: We know.. But we are already tired.. We live 6 years like this

Ms: Yes it's time to stop..

Wh: Right.. And if It's stop then, it means we are free right??

Sg: Hahaha yess we are!!

Wh: Well then I will go take a walk now.. Oh anri ssi, Go with me for a walk

Ar: why??

Wh: I have something to ask you

Ar: Allright

Wh: Well I will be going now.. Bye

Sg: Okay.. Bye

Hy: did he plan something??

Ms: Should we??


Hy: I'm In!

Dw: I'm in too!!

Yr: Me too!!!

Ms: Allright! let's go!

Woohyun POV

Ar: So.. What is it??

Wh: Hmm.. Let me check something first.. How is it?

Ar: why you hold my hand??

Wh: Let me ask you, how is your feeling when I do this??

Ar: It's thumping..

Wh: and If I do this??

Ar: It's thumping really hard and I think I will explode. My face is really hot right now.. Don't hug me, Let me go oppa..

Wh: Ahh.. I see so that's why..

Ar: What do you mean oppa??

Wh: Hmm.. It's so hard to explain but actually you like me now..

Ar: Me??

Wh: Yes you are

Ar: You mean me like you woohyun oppa??

Wh: Yes.. That's true..

Yuri POV

Yr: Ya!! What did you do??! Who are you?! why you holding anri hands like that??!

Ms: Calm down yuri.. Don't go out you will ruin it..

Sg: Oh my God.. We shouldn't take her..

Hy: She looks like a father who is watching his daughter dating


Dw: Whoaa girl calm downnn!!

Sg: Kim Myungsoo do something with her

Ms: Should I hug her too??

Hy: You think she will calm down when you hug her??

Ms: No..

Yr: Allright I'm going out from here and ask him why he do that!

Ms: Heyy...calm down!!

Yr: How can I.. My precious Anri!! Nooo..

Hy: Now she is crying

Sg: Myungsoo This is your girlfriend??

Ms: Unfortunately.. Yes she is..

Yr: Anriii.. Don't go cross that line!!

Dw: And here I think that she is happy about Anri like Woohyun

Ms: I'm sorry..

Yr: But But But woohyun oppa said he like someone..


Yr: Yeah.. But he didn't tell me who.. If it's not anri then why he do that?!

Dw: Hmm a playboy indeed

Yr: WHAT??!! Noooo anri!!

Ms: Hyung..

Dw: Oops sorry

Ms: should we get closer so we can hear them??

Sg: Okay.. Ssshhh.. Don't make any sound..

Yr: Waiittt!!

Ms: what again??

Yr: Look!


Dw: Hmm a playboy indeed..

Sg: Oooow... I should take some picture.. Phone phone phone

Hy: So Nam woohyun you have cross the line..

Ms: Is he insane??

Hy: Yes he is

Sg: He use that move..

Dw: a Playboy indeed..

Yr: If he do that.. That means??

Ms: We don't know yet..

Sg: Maybe??

Hy: Well it's still vague..

Dw: But he said he like yuri


To Be Continued ㅋㅋㅋ

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