Ch.7 Together

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Hi everyone..
I forget about the Easter holidays until I told my friend that I'm so tired, my eyes looks like a panda now..
and my very dearest friend tell me

"Wake up dear.. We will have holiday start thursday after we go to survey on village you can sleep as long as you want! Just hang in there!"

LMAO seriously I forget everything except my project and assignment, Now I can wait for my OGSR dvd to come in peace (because I can watch it right away)
well anyway~
I can still updating.. XD

Myungsoo POV
Who is it?
It's not him right...?
If it's him, I can't do anything

Ms: Hyung..

Wh: don't worry myungsoo.. We will see


Ms: What's that??!! Yuri you okay???!!!

Wh: let's go myungsoo..!!

Ms: Yuriii!!

Wh: Yuri-ssi!!!

Yr: ehm..

Ms: ...

Wh: ...

Yr: ...

Wh: Sungyeol.. Why are you here?

Sy: Not just me Hyung!!

Sj: Hi~

Ms: why are you guys here?

Sy: ehm well sunggyu hyung told me that they move out from myungsoo friend place so..

Sj: So we think, you have available room for us

Ms: No...

Sy: Really???!!! Oh well..

Sj: I will just go back to my home..

Sy: where should I go?

Wh: your parents home..

Sy: No he know that place..

Yr: your bbq restaurant?

Sy: how did you know I have restaurant? Whoaa..

Ms: she is a fan of us..

Sy: Inspirit??!! Whoaa you guys live with her?

Wh: yeah she is dependable, and her cooking is good

Sy: want a part time job?? Come to my restaurant..

Ms: he is recruiting again... No no no.. Just go home you two..

Yr: ah well.. Ehm.. If you want you can stay here for awhile..

Sy, Sj: Really??!!!

Yr: Yeah sure come in.. I wil try to ask if there are any place to stay for you two..

Sy, Sj: Oh yess thank you very much!!

Another 2 is coming..
Where is Hoya hyung now..

Ms: you guys know where is hoya hyung now?

Sy: ehm well I don't really know..

Sj: Me too..

Wh: I don't know too..

Ms: where is he now...

Wh: I will try to text him..

Yr: ehm.. Excuse me..

Ms: Yes?

Yr: I found a place for Sungyeol and Sungjong oppa to stay

Sy: Whoaa really?? Where??

Yr: It's in..

Sy: in???

Yuri POV

How can I tell him where is the exactly place he stay...!!

Yr: well it's...

Sy: it's?????

Yr: Well I just call my mom and my mom said that you two can use the room next door

Sj: Next.. Door??..

Yr: well yeah beside my house there is some room right?

Sy: Oh yeah.. And?

Yr: You guys can live in there...

Sj: But that place is..

Yr: well it's not scary in there..

Well actually that place is really scary

Sy: Really??.

Yr: Well...

Ms: well???

Yr: well.... Pretty scary..?

Sj,Sy,Ms,Wh: ....

Sy: No.. No I can't let me go back home...

Ms: Okay see you..

Sy: What? Myungsoo you don't try to stop me? You should said "No hyung.. Don't leave it's dangerous outside"

Ms: should I?

Sy: Ah okay fine...

Yr: So..?

Sy: ehm well..

Sj: what should we do hyung??

Sy: erm....

Ms: Just go inside that room you guys..

Sy: Well.. We will be gere until tommorow, after that I will just search a new apartment for me..

Sj: What about me hyung??

Sy: go to your parents house...

Sj: Okay..

Yr: Is it okay for you to go to your parents house oppa?

Sj: yeah it's fine for me.. Don't worry ~

Yr: Okay then..

*knock knock*

Who is it Again...
I open my front door and there is some package there
There is some written on it
And it's for me..
What is it actually..

To be continued~

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