I cringed as a flash of light blinded my eyes once again.

The light show on the horizon was impossible to miss, bright white flashes turning the night into day.

This had been going on in the clutches of the forest for a while, explosions like fireworks erupting periodically.

The fight happening in the distance was anything but inconspicuous, yet I left the Furasshu undisturbed with his formidable foe...

I smirked.
I always detested the techniques of the Furasshu. Too... 'Flashy', heh'

My smirk widened as I dodged the slash to my face with ease, leaning back as a large black claw of darkness skimmed my cheek.

"Attacking me with my own techniques?
You should know better, Byakko."

The fox summoning didn't even have time to curse as I grabbed his arm, throwing him like a rag doll into the wall of the canyon.

But it didn't stop there,
two swirling cyclones of teeth and claws approached behind simultaneously, attacking in tandem to increase their chance of a successful hit.


The darkness converged around me like a smog, thickening to deflect the attack.

The attacker and his pet skidded along the floor with teeth bared in annoyance.
"Kuso! Not even fang over fang? What's with this guy..! He's not even drawn his weird sword..." Grumbled the dog brat.

"How do you know my name!?" Byakko growled, fur sprouting around his face as his anger took over.

"You're not worth my time," I said boredly,
"Where is your 'Sensei'?"

The fox hissed, displaying his growing fangs.
He was joined by his fellow fanged teammates as they went for another attack.

And like the snap of a delicate twig under foot, my patience broke.

"Enough!" I boomed,
"Dark style: smog!"

The same black smog billowed from me in a wave that threw them deep into the hard rock of the gorge, blood splatting across the ground from their coughs.

"Where is she!!" I bellowed, advancing to the closest brat.

"Well, dog boy, you better hope your master saves you before I snap your fragile little neck..." I breathed as I plucked him from the wreckage, holding him high into the air.

"Come out Izumi!! Or your little brat will be killed!!" I yelled.

All to be heard was silence.

I grunted my disapproval, gritting my teeth.

"So be it."

I squeezed tighter on his neck, enticing a yelp from my helpless victim.

My hand was constricting tighter and tighter, till I could feel the spine on the brink of snapping.

Then a cold, sodden hand closed around my ankle.


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