Stolen Memories

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Aki's P.O.V.

I blinked my eyes open slowly, squinting at the harsh light that shone into my eyes.

My body hurt, aches and pains surfacing every time I shuffled slightly.

'Why is it so hot?'

I felt like my back was being cooked against whatever I was lying on.

From the corner of my eye I could see golden-red grains of sand.

'What. The. Hell?'

"Come on, get up little man. You've almost done with your training, just a little more~" a voice cooed by my ear.

I wanted to open my mouth to question what kind of drugs Kiba was on, but instead my mouth moved of its own accord, forming words that weren't my own.

"But muuuuum, I'm so tired!"

I gasped internally at the sound of my voice, it was high pitched and soft, like child's.
In fact my whole body felt... Shorter...

But all my thoughts came to a halt when my head was involuntarily turned to the side.

There, smiling down at me, the sun shining like a halo behind her head, was my mother...

"But you're so close to being as big and strong as mummy! Didn't you say you wanted to help mummy on her missions? Well, this is what you have to do sweetheart," she chided.

Her long, white hair draped across her porcelain neck and tickled my nose as she leant over my resting figure.

I wanted to wrap my stubby arms around her waist and never let go,
but instead my toddler body rose to its feet, turned to face a spot of grass and extending its arms.

Then I noticed my environment.

I wasn't in the forest in the land of fire...

I was in a desert, in the land of wind.

I recognised it now, the almost dried up reservoir and the tufts of dead, dry grass.
Then nothing but sand, sand, sand for miles.
For some strange reason there was a patch of unnaturally green grass around the area where my mother and I now stood.

I fits the pieces together in my head, putting 'two and two together' so to speak.
'This must be a memory from my training with my mother, back when I was a child...
But I don't remember coming here... Strange...
The seal must've caused a certain memory to resurface, once long forgotten...'

I brought my attention back to my stubby fingers which were splayed before me, anticipating the swell of my light chakra as I prepared to do... Whatever I was doing.

But suddenly, a wild, spiralling and coiling chakra burst from within me, a completely polar opposite sensation to the calm flowing waters of my light chakra.
It was nothing I'd ever felt before, it was so free and full of raw, unrefined power.

Then the power was forced from my open palms with great effort, travelling into the ground before me.

My little toddler arms were shaking, controlling this energy was next to impossible.

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