Dolan's Amazing Brother

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Ok this one has to do with the mirror... I was inspired a lot by EmilyBubblyPuffin and her story on the mirror. Anyways to the story!!!!

DMB: Dolan!!! Are you going to clean your mirror?

Dolan: no why?

DMB: I told you four times!!! I guess I'll do it.

Dolan: whatever.

DMB walks up to the mirror a paper towel in his hands.

DMB: we're all out of cleaner, I'll just use a plain paper towel.

DMB looks into the mirror and sees himself... But with bright blue eyes.

Mirror DMB: Hi me!

DMB: your... My opposite universe me? Why are you talking to me?

RDMB: Oh I thought you looked linely so I started talking to the mirror!!!

DMB: you mean lonely right?

RDMB: yeah that what I mean!!! Your so smart, like my brother!!!

DMB: so, you mean Dolan in that dimension is smart?

RDMB: Yeah, why?

DMB reached out and somehow pulls RDMB into his world.

DMB: goodbye sucker!

DMB jumps into the mirror.

RDMB: ooh!!! So I'll stay here and I'll stay there! Makes sense!!!

RDMB walks down the hallway whistling.

Dolan: hey did you clean that mirror?

RDMB: I forgot!!!

Dolan: oooooookkkkkaaaaayyyy...

RDMB: Did you know I always liked your hat brother!?!? It's really nice!!!

Dolan tears up

Dolan: that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me!!!!

RDMB hugs Dolan

RDMB: anyways... Is Wellbent coming over?

Dolan: um, Hellbent and Shima are.

RDMB: YAY!!!  Another one!

RDMB walks into the living room trying to watch smellovision. He can't smell anything so he presses his face against the screen.

Hellbent: What are you doing.


Shima: um... Alright.

Hellbent: And why are you watching Cartoon Network?

RDMB: But you usually watch it with me... Oh yeah! Your the other one! Maybe you don't. Anyways, can you get the remote for me?

Hellbent: ha! Get it yourself lazy loser.

RDMB starts crying

Hellbent: wha-? Shhhhhh shhhhhh, can it DMB!

Dolan: well that's new! I'm being sarcastic...

RDMB: I'm going to have some candy...

Dolan: can I have some!

RDMB: of course brother!

Dolan: but, you hate it when I eat candy!!!

RDMB: I guess I don't anymore.


DMB: woah... Where?

RDolan: hey, bro what are you doing beside the mirror! I thought i told you to never go-

DMB: so your actually responsible in this dimension!!! That's amazing!!!

RDolan: umm... What?


DMB runs out the door and down the hall and sees Pringle, but he has large geeky glasses and a spotted bow tie with many different colors.

DMB: So Pringle how's it goin!

RPringle: Ahem it's pronounced Single, not with a P! Also it's going with a G.

DMB: oh I didn't know you guys had different names as well!!!

Single: Excuse me you've known us forever!

DMB: I have to see more!

He runs down the hallway about to open a door.

RHellbent: Oh dear, let me get that for you.

Hellbent had a British accent and a nice white shirt with a neck tie. He also wore fancy black dress pants and nice swooped over hair. His usual yellow eyes were now a nice light green color.

RHellbent opened the door for him.

RHellbent: I have no idea why you'd like to go into Celissa's room but I won't ask any obscured questions.

'Celissa? Like Melissa?' DMB thought.
Celissa suddenly burst from her room.


Celissa was a lot like the real Melissa, except she looked like a body builder. She wore a navy blue tank top with black sports shorts, her eyes were a fierce yellow color now.

Celissa: Outa the way NOW WELLBENT!

Wellbent: I am terribly sorry madam Celissa!

Wellbent took a step back.

Celissa looked at DMB


Wellbent: DAB, I advise you to step out of the way-

DMB: who the heck is- oh it's me! I never knew I would-

Celissa grabs onto DMB's throat and lifts him up.


Wellbent: Celissa, I advise you to not start a fight now or Kima may come-

Celissa grabs onto Wellbent's tail with her other hand.

Celissa: I DON'T CARE!

RShima (Kima): OOH! A fight this is! Gimme into it!

Kima jumps onto Celissa and begins scratching her with her claws.

Celissa: GET OFF ME!

Celissa releases DMB and Wellbent.

DMB: I can't take this anymore I'm going home!!!!

DMB runs to the room the mirror is in and jumps through it.

Back to now known as DAB

DAB: NOM! This candy is awesome!

DMB: no your not me and DOLAN STOP EATING THE CANDY!

Dolan: ... There's two of my brothers... AWESOME!

DAB: Yeah it's cool to see me again! How are you me!

DMB: I'm not you and your not me were two different people DAB!

DAB: ooh!! You know my name!

DAB bounces around clapping his hands.

DAB: although I do miss my real bro. See you later other brother!

DAB leaves the room and soon returns to his dimension.

Dolan: what does DAB even stand for anyways.

DMB: Dolan's Amazing Brother I think... 

Dolan: Well you have a lame name then...


Yay... Another... Now I just need to make one for Shima... Hmmm... GOT IT!!! Until next time fellow Planet Dolan lovers and happy Shima:😹

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