4. Standing...on the EDGE

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Author's Note: WE'RE OFFICIALLY BACK IN BUSINESS, YOU GUYS! After ALL the pain and strain of recent events with the downfall of my laptop amongst all the other drama brewing in my life –I have FINALLY managed to return! We're weathering this storm together and it's time to keep pushing forward! If you don't know what's been going on, just swing over to my profile and read the top half of my bio. I explain EVERYTHING there. But long story short, I had to write part of this chapter all over again because of my laptop situation. FORTUNATELY though, the small glimmer of light and hope came to me in the form of me remembering that I PHYSICALLY wrote the chapter and plot notes down in my actual notebook! YESSSSSSSSSSS! I must admit though…even though I rewrote and polished this chapter the best way I could, my mind just CANNOT fully recover from the fact that this just ISN'T as great as when I wrote it the first time around. That unreachable version was perfect in my eyes. Not to mention, I now have to completely work on my phone, which can be a bit uncomfortable and tedious. Oh well, shit happens. However, I most likely have to slow down my updates from weekly to…something less stressful. Lol. At least until this computer mess is resolved. Again, there's no need to worry, there's NO hiatus in sight! Just a slower pace in updates for now. Without further ado, I give you CHAPTER FOUR of "FALLEN."

Disclaimer: FAIRY TAIL, all characters, likenesses and related indicia are owned by Hiro Mashima, Del Ray Manga, Kodansha, Weekly Shonen Magazine, Madman Entertainment, TV Tokyo and FUNimation. Enjoy this FICTIONAL, FAN-WRITTEN story, but please also go support the official release. :)


Friday, Nightfall.

Master Makarov silently paced the carpet of his office in the Fairy Tail guild hall. He threw an impatient glance up at the softly glowing golden clock on the wall every now and then. Makarov simply hated waiting; he especially hated waiting under these kinds of circumstances. The wizened mage released an exasperated sigh and turned his gaze towards the office door.

Where the hell is he?!

As if right on cue, the door burst open and in strode the one Makarov was waiting for. His eyes narrowed as he fixed his heated glare on the tardy mage.

"You're late," Makarov huffed.

"Yeah, well I'm here now," the mage growled.

The tall, muscular man crossed the office where he flopped down into one of the two plush velvet armchairs in front of Makarov's desk. He kicked his heavy, black leather boot-clad feet up onto the desk, leaned back in the seat, folded his arms behind his head and waited expectantly.

Makarov scowled, closed the door, and clambered back up into his seat behind the desk. The two wizards stared at each other for a few moments before Makarov finally cleared his throat and spoke.

"I've called together this meeting because I have something important to tell you Dragon Slayers, but it's for your ears only."

An iron-studded eyebrow raised quizzically.

"Then where's Salamander, ol' Lightning Rod and the pipsqueak?" Gajeel asked, glancing around the office for added effect.

"Laxus is too busy running around being a stubborn, arrogant pain-in-the-ass to listen to anything have to say," Makarov replied darkly. "Wendy isn't quite involved in this, and Natsu…well…I actually haven't seen him around the guild hall lately. So while I'd have preferred to have you all here, this one-on-one will have to do for now."

Gajeel grunted.

"Hm…speaking of Salamander…have you felt the shift of Energy in the air lately?"

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