WE'RE BACK!!! -Clyde :3

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Token: Hey guys. So, we're finally back. Sorry we've been gone so long-

Tweek: Did they l-leave us?! Do they h-hate us?! Oh God, man. I-

Craig: Is anyone going to mention why we've been gone?

Token: I don't think that's really-

Craig: Clyde's a dumbass, that's why.

Clyde: Oh, come on! You just say that for everything!

Craig: I have no reason to confirm or deny that statement.

Tweek: I'll confirm i-it!

Craig: You're lucky you're so cute.

Token: Anyway, we're back. Jimmy got sick though, and I'm pretty sure Kevin's still freaking out.

Tweek: K2 and Percy Jackson d-do things to people.

Token: So long story short, it'll just be us four for a little while.

Clyde: Ooooh, but maybe if they want someone to join us to talk about a ship or two, they could leave the name in the comments and we'll call them!

Craig: No one wants to hear from you. By 'we'll' he means 'Token will'. Tweek can't talk on the phone without thinking he's going to get tracked down and I just hate everyone.

Clyde: At least I don't-

Token: We're not going to get into this now guys, please.

Craig: Yes, of course. How could I be so childish? That's Clyde's job! *flips Clyde off*

Clyde: You know what. I'm not even going to say anything this time.

Craig: 'Cause your stupid expression speaks for itself.

Clyde: Why haven't we kicked you out? Why are you still here?

Craig: Why are you? On this planet, I mean.

Clyde: You act so cool yet you have a picture of Tweek taped to your pillow to make out with because you're too scared of actually kissing him.

Craig: 'Least I didn't make out with the whole cheerleading team...at the same party.

Clyde: Have you ever thought about why I was able to do that?

Craig: Please, tell me. I am sooo enthralled.

Clyde: Because I'm actually a friendly person! People like me! Unlike you. You're cold and sarcastic and a huge-

Craig: I think I know what you're going to say, and it's all true. But I can stay in a relationship for over a month so~

Clyde: This is your first relationship!

Craig: It's lasted, hasn't it?

Clyde: Whatever.

Craig: Cough...Bebe...one month...cough...break up...

Clyde: Stop-

Craig: Get back together...break up...get back together...break up...get back together...have us miss over a month of reacting...going to break up soon...

Clyde: You-!

Tweek: Wait.

Clyde: What?

Tweek: You taped a picture o-of me to your pillow and were...k-kissing...it?

Token: Some people are just too precious for this world.

Craig: Uh...I...yeah...

Clyde: That's how lame he is, Tweek.

Tweek: It's cute!

Token: Anyways... Thanks for sticking around.

Tweek: We'll be u-updating more frequently now!

Craig: If Clyde doesn't break up with his girlfriend and go all, y'know, Clyde, that is.

Clyde: Ignoring that.

Token: See you guys soon!

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