Jean x Armin

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Tweek: W-What?
Token: What the hell is this?
Clyde: Ooooh, how interesting. Jean and Armin...
Craig: But I thought that Marco was Jean's other half!
*Token glares at Craig*
Tweek: I d-don't like it. Jean l-likes girls I t-think...
Clyde: Since when has that mattered in the fandom world?
Tweek: That's t-true.
Token: I think that he's trying to say that Jean would only fall for Marco.
Tweek: Yeah! And h-he did!
Tweek: What happened w-with Jean doesn't just d-don't change that m-much after someone dies. Considering h-how much Marco affected h-him...there's only o-one explanation. It's true love!
Craig: still doesn't make sense.
Tweek: If Armin died, t-then I'm sure Jean w-would be sad and a-all but...not like t-that. Jean l-literally couldn't get Marco out o-of his head.
Token: And wasn't Marco announced as gay in canon?
Clyde: I...I think so...
Craig: Come on, they were just friends.
Token and Tweek: THEY WERE SOUL MATES!!!
*Author peers through the window*
Author: Yes Token and tell them...
Craig: What the hell was that in the window?
*Token closes the blinds*
Token: There. Now back to this ship. I can't see this working out. The only person able to change Jean was Marco...I rest my case. Zero.
Tweek: I l-love Armin...but...I can't ship h-him with Jean. Z-Zero.
Clyde: I like it...kind of...not really...5.5/10...
Craig: Alright fine, I'll just give it a 9 for the hell of it.


Author: JeanMarco for life! <3

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