Kevin x Clyde

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Craig: That's just mean.

Tweek: How is it m-mean?

Craig: Kevin deserves better.

Clyde: Hey!

Kevin: Uhhh...why am I involved?

Craig: Because that's just how it works, nerd.

Jimmy: We get shipped too?

Token: Yeah, everyone does.

Craig: Except Tweek. No one is aloud to ship him.

Tweek: Why n-not?

Craig: just can't.

Tweek: I can do w-whatever I want!

Craig: I-I wasn't saying that-

Clyde: Oooh, couple drama.

Craig and Tweek: Shut up!

Clyde: They're getting feisty.

Craig: Tweek, it's just that I want you to be shipped with-

Tweek: Token, ship me!

Token: Uhhh...

Tweek: f-father was a drinker, s-ship me, ship m-me!

Kevin: He's gone completely crazy now.

Jimmy: T-T-Tell me about it.

Token: In the case that you're going to act like the Joker, then I guess I'll ship you with Harley Quinn.

*Craig flips off Token*

Tweek: Yes! I f-finally have a ship!

Clyde: We're really off topic here.

Jimmy: Well then, aren't you eager about this ship?

Clyde: N-No!

Craig: Does Clyde have a crush? Poor baby is in love with the Star Wars nerd.

Kevin: And Star Trek.

Clyde: I'm not in love with him!

Craig: Sure you aren't. Ship. 10/10.


Tweek: Seven.

Jimmy: Eight.

Clyde: ...

Kevin: ...


Kevin: ...yeah.

*Tweek whispers to Jimmy*

Tweek: They should j-just kiss already.

Jimmy: Agreed.


Thank you all so much for over 1K reads! :)

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