Tweek x Cartman

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Tweek: This one s-says my name! I'm shipped! Master has p-presented Tweek a ship. Tweek is f-free!

Token:, Tweek isn't free.

Clyde: If anything, Tweek has just been locked up by iron chains.

Tweek: Why would y-you say that? I'm finally s-shipped!

Kevin: Tweek, read the second name.

Tweek: O-Okay. 'Tweek and...C...C...CARTMAN'?!?!

Craig: WHAT?! I-I mean...that sucks, dude.

Tweek: Why? I d-don't understand what I d-did wrong to deserve this.

Token: Don't worry Tweek. I know someone who would never let this happen.

Craig: Damn straight. I know someone, too.

Jimmy: Me t-t-t-too.

Token: Can we all just be in mutual agreement and not ship this one?

Tweek: What if I l-like it?

Kevin: ...what...?

Tweek: I was just j-joking.

Clyde: Don't joke about stuff like that Tweek. It's very serious.

Tweek: Okay, okay. I don't need a l-lecture.

Jimmy: No, really. Craig could have d-d-d-died.

Craig: I thought I told you to shut up.

Jimmy: Oh, did you?

Craig: Smart a-

Kevin: Zero.

Token: Zero.

Clyde: Zero!

Jimmy: Zero.

Tweek: Zero.

Craig: Come, on I love this one. You guys are such downers.

Token: Oh yeah, I'm sure this is your favourite. Out of all of the people Tweek could have been shipped with, I'm sure that Cartman is your favourite match for him.

Craig: Or maybe I'm messing things up. Nah, there's another jerk that I like better than him. I'll say zero.

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