Another Authors Note; 20 Facts About Me (Kind Of)

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I know that I made an authors note not too long ago, but I thought I would make another one thanking you all for 800 reads. What is even happening? Anyways, for something different I thought that I would make a 20 facts about the author post thing. But it's kind of more; 20 Things That I Feel About My Fandoms That People Might Not Know. So, here we go;

1: My Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff, but if I could be anything else then I would choose Slytherin. judgement... Now that I think about it though, I might be judged more for being a Hufflepuff than wanting to be a Slytherin. XD

2: I am in love with Jean Kirstein from Attack on Titan. 😂😅

3: The first character that I remember being obsessed with was Luna Lovegood.

4: The first cartoon character that I remember having a crush on was Kyle. :3

5: The first thing that I ever shipped was Kyman.

6: I write at school whenever there is a minute or two to spare.

7: I also read quite a bit...I'm convinced that one of my friends thinks that it's all I do.

8: I wear glasses.

9: I played in a higher level of soccer for quite a while.

10: How I'm spending Valentine's Day: The Walking Dead. :D

11: I cried on page 250 of The Death Cure.

12: I was also in tears by the end of The Hobbit.

13: I'm on the Light Side of The Force. :)

14: Lesser Known Fact: My favourite book of all time is The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

15: My OTP is Creek.

16: My favourite character from Attack on Titan is Armin.

17: My worst subject in school is French. How do you even French?

18: My favourite show is South Park.

19: Words cannot describe how much I ship JeanMarco.

20: I have five friends who are all amazing...and crazy and weird in their own way. I guess I fit right in.

21: And now a bonus fact: I seriously thank you all so much for reading this series. It means a lot and I'll continue to post these chapters.

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