Jean x Marco

7.6K 162 45

Token: No. No, I refuse to do this one.
Craig: Well, I don't know if I like it or not. For me at least, it's half and half.
Token: Don't even go there.
Craig: Oh but it was so tragic. As if their love was cut in half.
*Tweek and Clyde resist laughter*
Token: Craig...
Craig: Marco is only half the man he used to be.
Token: Did you get that off of urban dictionary or something?
Craig: Yup.
Token: Well whatever, I get it now Clyde, this is my OTP. 10/10.
Clyde: See, I told you wasn't crazy. But I'm also not crazy about this ship, 7/10.
Tweek: I like it! 10/10.
Craig: 5/10.
Token: Because it's half?
Craig: Exactly.

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