U Again!!!!!!

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The month of January Aryanna's and Rays birthday month (A/N so is mine 💙💜💚❤ the 17 day after Aryanna)

Rays POV

Ray:I need a girl

Roc:me too

Ray:ugh maybe I can get A Man to be In a relationship with me

Roc:u turning gay

Ray:I just need sum I need SEX

Roc:shh before Keisha hears

Walter went back with Alice

Ray:I can hit it with anyone I'm just so thirsty

Roc:u are *opening his root beer (A/N my favorite 👍👌✌)*

Ray:I can get it in with Ary or even Prince

Roc:or Prod

Ray:I want him I need him

Roc:he's dating Ary Ray

Ray:I don't give a DAYUM

Roc:Prince is coming shhh

Ray:um Prince come here


Ray:come here ☝


Ray:*pulls him on top of him*do u like guys


Ray:bit on my lip

Prince:*bits his lip and rubs under his shirt* ur really built Ray

Ray:uhh u make me naughty

Prince:that was a 1 time thing love I still want Aryanna *gets off him*

Ray:that felt good tho

Prince:ur welcome Ray

Ray:*Prod walked down the stairs like he always do I feel so bad Aryanna went to live with Aleesha Rocs ex their still sitters Keisha's with us and it's not changing ISHHHH For all I know Prod loves Ary Roc loves her also if u talk about Ary they will flip it happened before Roc punched Prince and broke Princes arm nd Prod he kicked this random boy on the street when we were walking home from school I felt so bad cuz it was right in his area*

Roc:good morning Prod


Prince:well um



Ray:that food was good Keish thanks

Keisha:ur welcome Ray

Prod:do we have to go to school

Keisha:I'm sorry Prod but yes


Roc:I'm not going to school the love OF MY LIFE IS AT SCHOOL AND SHE DOSEN LOVE ME I HATE HER *runs upstairs*

Prod:that's how I feel 😞😞😔😔😔😭

Keisha:I'm sorry Prod

Prod:it's okay Keish

Prince:well her birthday is this month

Keish:okayy 😏😏😏

Ray:where gonna get ready okayyy


Prods POV

Prod:*walking in this school makes me feel like ISHHHH the only person that's want to see is Aryanna the most beautiful thing in this world that I know of I was walking to my locker and a bunch of girls were in Mr.Browns room (AN Mr.Brown 😂😂) including Aryanna nd Aleesha guess what it was for*

Prince:PRODD!!!!!!*running for the opsite side of the school*

Prod:Mhhhh Prince

Prince: guess who ants to talk to Cha *running out of breath*


Prince:Arys Dad


Prince:I'm joking Prod it's

Prod:stop playing with me

Prince:ur Dad Prod he wants to talk to u 😒😏😌😌😌

Prod:My Dad!??????????!!!!!!!He wants to talk to me the man that is coming form the army tomorrow

Prince:walk with me Prod


Prince:BOY JUST FOLLOW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Prod:FINE!!!! *closing his locker*wait I wanna see Aryanna *looks thru the window and notices there gone*okayyyy let's go


Prod:I'm coming waittttt!!!!!!! *running*

Prince:you ready Prod

Prod:I want theses things off me NOWWWW

Prince:okay follow me

Prod:I'm gonna Buss a *GCO*


Prince:you can take them off NOW Prod


Ray:u need to cool down ur Dad wouldn't be proud u spazzing like this

Prince:I'm pretty sure he would tell it to

???:Man UP Craig

Prod:who just called me by my!!government!!!!!!!!! name!!!

Roc:listen walk on the sage Prod and I want u to closs ur eyes for about 1 sec


Prod:3 minutes Roc it's been

???:*taps Prod*

Prod:*turns around and punches then in the face*COME AT ME *STOPS* DADDDDDD

Dad:hey son *holding his nose*

Prod:Dad I'm-I'm so sorry I-I-- um *helps him up*

Dad:come here and give ur old man a hug

Prod:*hugs him*I never thought u would make it Dad I missed u I-I-

Dad:there wasn't a day I never thought about Devon Tamlela and u Craig and ur Mom I missed u all (AN Devon is Prods older brother, Tamela is his little sister Prods in the middle)

Prod:Dad I-I um I-I don't know what to say Dad are u going back

Dad:in 2 months igh

Prod:aww Dad I don't want u to leave Mom is drinking and smoking again

Dad:Are u serious Prod

Prod:Dad I tried but she thro the bottle at me and I-I-I got cut on the head

???:hey Prod

Prod:who r u

???:Me um Alesha

Prod:oh Aryanna's Sister right

Ale:yes Prod shes in the hospital


Ale:Alice is back

Why is she back Are y'all mad

Vote and Comment please

~Monique ❤

Love Me Or Hate Me (A Roc Love Story) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now