Chris and Ary

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(A/N Thanks u all for reading can u please comment I'm looking for ya please for me)

☀☀Next morning☀☀

Your P.O.V

Prod:good morning sexy

You:Good morning

Prod:well guess what today is *gets up and walks to the bathroom*

You:the day we get to spend together

Prod:how u know that

You:I don't know *gets a text from Roc*

Prod:well u know the usual so *brushing his teeth*

You:yeah Im going down the hall k

Prod:umm wh-- *door closes*

You:*im going to see that nappy ass boy Chresanto and I'm so pissed u know what he texted me "meet me in my room right now of ur not doing anything and I want u alone no weapons or phones"psh I could be Alice for all I know so I grabbed my pocket knife he gave me*

His room

You:here goes nun *i opened the door to what what did I see Chresanto and Alice having sex I know that client be Roc cuz Roc wouldn't do that I covered my eyes and ran back to Prod and I's room ugh I hate Alice*

Prod:what's the matter bae

You:nothing Prod it's nothing at all *passes him and walks to the bathroom*

Prod:Roc isn't it

You:no its what His stupid ugly girlfriend has been sending me

Prod:it's not good to call someone ugly bae

You:but she is UGH I hate her for being so ugly she needs to die and if it's not by me it's one of my niggas can't be killing no more

Prod:who was that

You:ME CHRIS gosh

Prod:sorry its not my fault

You:What what's not ur fault Prod

Prod:calm down girl I was just playing

You:u better be

Prod:Chris I don't know u that well but um I want to and I don't want to be dead I heard that ur a sweet girl why are u taking over Aryanna

You:because Aryanna is my older sister I'm the oldest out of Aleesha and Aryanna I died when I was 6 and I took over Arys body because I I was jealous I didn't want to die young and Aleesha is and was too full of herself she would have killed herself if I did so yeah

Prod:wow how old are u now

You:18 turning 19 month after Ary

Prod:no need to Bother when's her birthday

You:January 16 turning 16

Prod:I know she's turning 16 What would she like

You:ask her yourself Prod she's a sweet girl too

Prod:how old is Aleesha


Prod:what else don't I know bout Ary

You:she has a older brother he's 20 and his birthday is next week December 25 but he's in the hospital and she doesn't know how to keep it in and He Mott die soon tho

Prod:that's a day before my birthday and why is he gonna die

You:BECAUSE *falls to the floor and starts throwing up*


Rocs POV

Roc:*I heard someone scream Aryanna and I was finished my section so I decided to go check i was still and at her but if something's wrong I'm gonna beat that ass up for her* Alice stay here or a sex while I come back

Ali:I'll be waiting Bae 😊😊😊😏😏😏😏😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😌😌😌😌😌😌😚😚😚😘😘😘😍😍😍😄😄

Roc:*i turned the corner to Arys and Prods room and I saw this nasty green thing on the carpet* Ewww

Prod POV

Prod:do u have any clue why *Ary was hovering over the toilet and I was holding her hair for her*

You:no Prod I'm scared


You:what if I'm pregnant Prod

Prod:how are u preg--- Chris


Prod:why are u doing this to Ary

You:BECAUSE she a dumb hoe she says she pregnant

Prod:shes not tho she's still a virgin for all I know right



Roc:*why is she looking at me in disgust what did I do oh nvm*

You:hey Roc

Roc:hi Chris Stop doing that to Ary she's innocent and ur hurting her

You:but I don't want to stop she's a hoe

Roc:no she isn't she's still A Virgin

You:how do u know

Roc:she told me trust

You:bye Roc 😒😒😒😒😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Roc:bye Chris


Keep going

Almost there

This chapter is bad but um

Vote and Comment and um yeah

Next chapter is YOU AND WALTER

I had writers block 👎👎👎💔💔

~Monique 👍👍

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