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Your POV

I stood there with nothing to say was I-I hallucinating or was this real she's standing right in front of me is this real life am I dreaming I must be until I felt this cold ass breeze hit my cheek

Har:hey U


Har:do u remember me Sweetie

Ary:*nods her head*

Har:guess what


Har:I'm gonna be here with u for a long time


Har:well because I want to haunt u and I miss Rocky poo

Ary:u can have him were not dating

Har:but he likes u tho

Ary:u don't know that

Har:yeah I do I'm up there

Ary:but u have like a pool of blood around u

Har:sorry *fades away*

Ary:wait where did u go

I was still shocked about what happened when I saw her HOW in this world am i going to tell the boys that I saw Harlem and she's back doesn't that sound crazy GOSHH

Prod:Aryanna are u okay

Ary:yeah I'm fine what about u

Prod:I'm fine what do U wanna watch

Ary:can we watch a scary Movie

Roc:what movie


Prince:y not what can go wrong

Ray:well let's see

Ary:I'm scared just watching the previews on tv

Roc:well u decided and theres no turning back


Ray:that's how we roll

Prince:if u pick it we watch it

Ary:but what If

Prince:that's why U think 2wice about what u pick

Ray:yeah 😊


Rocs POV

Sitting beside Aryanna is a challenge every time blood pops up or even knives or sum she curls into my chest and screams a little but I think it's cute cause Pros ain't getting nun of dis

Ary:*screams a little* Roc I'm scared

Roc:it's okay I'm right here don't be scared

Ary:Roc I'm not playing

Ray:shut up she's gonna cut the guy open (AN I haven't watched insidious so I wouldn't know what happened so no spoiler alerts 😊😊😄😄)

Ary:Ewwww that's UGHH *hides in Rocs cheat*

Roc:Ary ur gonna rip my good shirt I need this

Ary:u can bye a new one now shut up *in his chest*

Roc:fine okay sorry

Her little body in my muscular body well it fells good and I'm not gonna lie maybe I should u know I said MAYBE so it's not a promise but maybe I should make her more comfy on my cheat Yess Roc u got it

Roc:*pulls her closer*U okay



Prods POV

I just hate it Roc and his stupid Moves there not even Moves there corny moves I'm not even scared tho this is not scary there should be more killing and blood and all that stuff there's not a lot of it Ives seen worse because of my dad yeah he was in a gang and now he's in the army I want to be like him going to the army to fight for my county that's sounds good maybe I should matter fact I will Maybe that will make her fall for me

Prince:DAYUM that's harsh

Ray:he can run for a little white boy

Roc:shut up

Princes POV

Watching this movie we should be in a movie theater the only person in this room scares is Aryanna she picked the movie and she's gonna pay Did I tell u y well if ya pick the Movie and u get sacred or sum or u be a coward u have to well Truth or Dare for the rest of the month everyday and its harsh because she's a girl and the things we come up with Ha well there very harsh so yeah...........

Rays POV

Sometimes I wonder how they do these stunts and tricks and stuff cause I can pull them off if I had professional people and stuff like that u don't think so well too bad for ya cause it's a goal now who's laughing now😊 let's get back to reality and enough about my thoughts I'm joking I joke I joke I always joke so it's cool but do u think I would make a good couple with Ary I would wouldn't I Ha aww thank u so cute well that's never gonna happen I'm joking it happen in my dreams okay that was too far don't laugh DON'T laugh please STOP LAUGHING PLEASE bye I'm done with ya *flips my weave* okay I'm not joking stop laughing UGHHHHH



Your POV

Ary:that Movie

Roc:Look we have to tell u sum

Ary:all 4 of ya

Ray:yea can I tell her please please

Roc:Prod u should tell her

Prod:I would be honored 😊


Prod:well since u chickened out

Ary:I did not!!!!!!!


Ary:Shut up *pouting*

Roc:go on with it I got so many

Prince:me too


Prod:okay shhhh

Ary:what are u TALKING about

Prod:well since u chickened out u have to do Truth or Date everyday for the rest of the month


Ray:that's the fun part

Ary:RAY it's not fun

Prince:for u but for us

Roc:and u have to do what we say OR ELSE U get spanking on dat ass of urs


Prod:Month starts February!!!!!!!!





Boys:Be Fun 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😉😉😉😉😉😉

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Love you all for taking me so far I'm about to loose it see what I did there

Next Chapter is Ary's BIRTHDAYYYY

~Monique ❌⭕❌⭕

Love Me Or Hate Me (A Roc Love Story) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now