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(A/N Ary= You. You= Ary)

Thank u all for ur support

1 week later

Your pov

Roc came out the hospital and we are having dinner all together I love Roc

Walt:so um Alice ur dating Roc now huh

Ali:Yess daddy I am I'm very proud of it 2 *looks at You*

Walt:so um Ary how did the blood go

Ary:okay * said quietly*

Walt:how do u feel roc

Roc:*flirting with Alice* I feel amazing thanks for the blood

You:ur welcome *says quietly*

Keis:y'all ready to leave

You:I'll be RIGHHT back * I said that quietly and walked to the washroom*

Guess who I met at the washroom

Ali:ugh ur man has bomb sex

You:he's not my man and great to know

Ali:ur the telling me that u haven't had sex with him yet omg ur missing out

You:thanks a lot

Ali:listen don't try anything with him

You:don't worry I'm moving out soon

Ali:Roc never liked u ever

You:*as she kept going on and on about Roc my eyes got watery and I felt like crying I really hated Alice because Roc loves her and treats her better then he use to do to me 1 thing popped when she kept talking*

Ali:Roc said the only thing e like about I was ur ass and nothing else and I was sending him stripper videos that's why he broke up with u girl don't e mad now

You:*starts crying*I hope your happy with your life Alice 

Ali:I am I'm ruining ur life


Walter walks in your room u were crying laying down in your bedroom well guest room and u weren't facing the door u were facing the opposite way

Walt:Ary are u awake

You:*wipes u tears away and gets up but not facing him* Walter

Walt:I just wanted 2 say goodnight

You:goodnight Walt

Walt:1 question really quick


Walt:do u miss Roc


Walt:u do?

You:yes I do miss him but ur daughter she um took him away from me by sending him stripper videos when he was in the hospital


You:goodnight Walt

Next Morning

Rocs pov

5:00 AM

I slept on the coach last night I did my routine waiting for someone to get there lazy but downstairs I ain't going back upstairs to Cranky Alice are u MODD and because Alice and I got into a fight again I had to sleep on the coach but she started it she asked if we could get naughty in Arys room and I said NOOOOO

I hear footsteps shhh


Roc:good morning Aryanna

Ary:*gives him a smile and walks past him*

Roc:*its time to work the Zilla**walks in the kitchen*

Ary:*taking out a plate*

Roc:aren't u short

Ary:shut up

Roc:u want me to go away

Ary:yes please

Roc:I know Chris wouldn't force this away *wraps his arms around ur waist*

Ary:I know I wouldn't Hi Roc *turns around*

Roc:hey Chris *bits his lip*can u get Ary to listen to me please

Ary:umm of course Roc

Roc:thank u

Ary:she is so UGHHH I

Roc:can u please listen to me

Ary:sure but I know it all

Roc:um the stripper videos

You:yea and that u don't *GCO by Roc smashing his lips into urs picking u up and putting u on the counter**

In between kisses they were talking


Roc:I...............Missssss........u *goes down to ur neck*

You:I love u *pulls on his little Cheerios curls while he's kisses ur neck*

Roc:*picks u up*

You:Roc u have a *GCO by him kissing u hard and pulling on ur belt*

Roc:sorry shes a ass baby and I want u

You:Roc no I can't s this please stop

Roc:*stops*Kay fine

You:Roc why did u stop u know she wants it

Roc:Chris I need help again

You:that's why I'm here Roc now what do u need me for

Roc:even of its not now make her want m back please I love Aryanna

You:if u loved her why did u break her heart yesterday with ur flirting

Roc:I promise to u it was Alice I'm in love with Ary compare the 2 Ary is WAYYYYYYY better don't u think

You:well I'll see about it

Roc:thank u so much Chris *give u a hug*

You:ur welcome she's a fighter tho


You:she's hurting me inside bye Roc


You:yes Roc

Roc:Chris is Pretty nice

You:whatever *walking back to the food she had*

Roc:I'm sorry Ary baby

You:don't call me baby Roc

Roc:feisty huh

You:Yes Roc

Roc:listen I I'm sorry


Roc:doing this to you making u feel alone and stuff

You:and stuff what kind of stuff Roc


Roc:what now Alice go sleep please

You:*laughs* Roc talk to ur girlfriend

Roc:*grabs u from behind*

You:Stopp Rocc

Roc:no I love u

Ali:*clears her throat*

You:let go of me Roc

Roc:No I want u


Roc:*turns around slowly*what do u want Alice

Ali:ur still mad at me 😔😔

Roc:yes I am

You:Alice no he's not he loves u and he wants u to meet him upstairs

Ali:kk *walking upstairs*

Roc:only *GCO*

You:just goooooo Roc

4:00 Pm

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