Seated on the table was a globed ball and Reyna noticed it was a Crystal ball like the ones in the movies. The lady's head was covered with jewelry and a scarf covering most of her black hair and in her hand a cigarette. When she saw her come in, she squished the cigarette into her pot and clapped her hands together as the brackets wrapped around her arms jingled.

"My name is Cassandra." The lady spoke; cue the thick and abnormal accent. Her voice sounded husky and the accent was most definitely fake. Her face was elegant and narrow, her cheekbones prominent and her eyes a green color. Reyna suspected the husky voice came from too many cigarettes.

Reyna looked around the area once again. "Are you like a mind reader or something?"

She titled her head to the side,nodding. "I do that too but so much more."

Reyna chugged out the coins from her overall's pocket and counted them out in her palm. "How much do I pay?" She asked, watching the very peculiar lady. Reyna had never seen anyone like her, much less dressed in the garments as hers.

The lady shook her head and raised her hand up again. "Worry later. Sit down now."

Reyna grabbed a seat and scooted it closer to the table. Reyna adjusted her position and folded her arms gazing around the room.


"Patience." Cassandra licked her lips.

"Is Cassandra your real name?"

"What, you gotta be kidding me? Of course it's not. Name's Betsy." She said and her accent disappeared and Reyna's perspective of the place changed but she guessed it was too late to leave.

"Anyways." Betsy--or fake Cassandra--trailed her voice going back to her stage accent. "Let's do the reading, yes." She grinned as her teeth flashed and Reyna's body shivered at instinct.

Betsy noticed her worried look.

"Child you have nothing to worry except for your past actions or the actions you will do in the future. Or as we say in Romania, Cine s'a fript cu supa, suflă și-n iaurt. A burnt child dreads the fire. In other words, Learning your lesson after the deed has been done." She put her hands on the crystal ball barely touching it, her fingers traveling across the surface in the air as if the globe was the Earth and she was slowly earning its power.

Reyna didn't believe her eyes at first when the ball started to glow and she gazed at it in awe. Thousands of the thoughts past through her and she couldn't believe what had happened. Betsy was concentrating really hard--Reyna could tell--since her eyebrows were creasing and her mouth was a firm thin frown.

"What do you see?" Reyna asked, leaning in.

"Patience, kid. This stuff takes time."

She waited as the lady went on with the usual hand movements across the sphered figure. But then, Reyna knew that something must be up since she spotted a plug attached to the globe mostly hidden from under the silk.

Reyna pointed at the plug. "This is all a fake! A phony!"

Betsy widened her eyes. "No,no it's not! Really, I swear. Look!" and took the plug by the hand. "It's for the lightening, dear. That's all."

Other Side Of The Closet [Percy Jackson Fanfiction] •Jiper•Where stories live. Discover now