Piper IX

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C H A P T E R   N I N E


Jason finally said after minutes of doing and redoing the steps. He pointed at his sheet of work next to the girl's sheet of paper whom had been looking at Jason the entire time as if he would disappear the minute she looked away.

Piper rolled her eyes at the girl's mere existence over at her desk. She twirled her hair with her pencil,until she finally stopped after getting it caught in her feather. Piper sighed. She looked back down at her own incomplete packet that she hadn't worked a single question on. Her pride was too strong for her to ask someone for help,which was one of the reasons why she didn't get anything done.

She turned her focus back on the boy with the blue T-shirt. He had his body leaned down against her desk, erasing a mistake he had made and rewriting down the formula. Strands of his hair fell down his face, wiping them away and tucking them behind his ear. His face turned over to her direction and he smiled. Piper held her breath and went back to her paper.

Reaching for an Algebra book in her desk hoping it would help of some sort,she flipped the pages until she got to the unit they were working on in class. Mr. Mars had written down in bold letters on the white board that the packet would be due after the weekend. If she hoped to pass this semester,she would have to work extra hard. She had got her Test grade back from their last Test. Seeing the D on her sheet of paper made her stomach turn. Piper's grade had been a B- in Math,but now it had dropped to a D+.

Mr. Mars was busying in his desk grading papers and Piper didn't have the courage to ask him for help.

"Do you need any help?" Someone asked from behind her. She knew that voice anywhere. The owner's voice belonged to Jason Grace. If anyone could help her, it was him. He had the highest grades in the class, Mr. Mars's star pupil (which was one of the reasons why most people hated him. He wasn't that popular with the boys but the girl's loved him).

"No, I'm fine." Piper covered her sheet of paper with her hands, even though she knew the deed was done. He could clear see her incomplete questions in-between her fingers. Piper felt ashamed.

He quirked an eyebrow. "You haven't answered one question."

"That's none of your business."

"I can help."

"I think that girl over their needs your help more than I do."Piper pointed at a girl who had her eye's set on Jason. When he pulled his gaze on her, the girl's pencil dropped on the floor,clumsily.

Piper turned her head back down on her sheet of paper,catching her breath. Was her face read? She really hoped it wasn't. Someone put their finger on the page number she was on in the Algebra book.

"Turn to page 504," Jason whispered before walking away to help someone else.

She flipped through the pages, were greedily until she got to 504. Piper smiled and she turned her head overwhereJason was. He looked back at her and exchanged a smile.



The lunch lady said, bitterly splattering mashed potatoes on the tray.

She looked at the tray in dismay thinking of any other food they could have served today besides this.

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