Reyna VIII

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Everything was in control. The weather was perfect. Her feet moved in harmony. Both sides of her hands moving with the same force as her feet. Nothing could stop her. The air was scented with pollen and tree sap. She enabled the aroma like it were a protein juice, pumping her and making her go faster. Behind her, she could hear footsteps trying to keep up with her. Reyna was one of the fastest people in her class. They didn't stand a chance.

Everything happened in a split second (theoretically, speaking of course). She could feel her feet jumping from above the ground. Sweet tricked down her face. She could feel her breath grow faster.

There hadn't been a time in her life where she hadn't run and pushed herself to get first to the finish line or beat her record. Reyna trained herself like a warrior, constantly trying to get better. The more she worked, the better she got but there was no satisfaction until she made it to the finish line. Nothing beat the feeling she got when she was the first to get their.

Reyna made it to the end across the course track and let out a heavy breath. Mr. Mars, the gym teacher met her at the finish line. She was glad to say that no one else had finished yet.

He checked his timer,"5" 14' minutes. Well, you almost beat the record which is 5" 11' minutes."

She hid her disappointment and sat down on the grass which was at the moment, covered with sunflowers. Reyna brushed the dirt before sitting down on it and crossed her legs. She grabbed her water bottle and took short sips.

Someone sat next over to her. A tall girl with jet black hair. She could tell by her clothes and earring who she was. It was Drew. Reyna didn't know much about Drew besides that everyone knew about her and that she brought trouble wherever she went and pretty much dated almost every guy in the grade. That was enough to make Reyna's body tense. She didn't feel comfortable around this moving and talking Asian Barbie doll.

"Hey,you're pretty fast!" Drew let out a gasp.

"Not the fastest," She said, bitterly. Reyna cursed herself for not being kind. She wished she could easily talk to people like Jason did.

"I heard that you're not going to my party?"

"I practice everyday. I have no time for partying."

"So, you're not going with Jason?" Drew pursed her lips.

"Go ahead! You can have him. Not like I had a chance."

Drew raised her eyebrow, a gleam in her eyes."no, I'm on a hunt for another boy."

Reyna didn't like the sound of that. She heard the gym teacher whistle and everyone started getting up with him.

"but I can help you with Jason." Drew handed her a sheet of paper."here's my phone number. Oh, and you're invited to sit with us."

Reyna looked at the sheet for a split second before putting it in her shorts. She had nothing to say but nod.

School had gone by like a blur. She hadn't thought once or checked her schedule to see what classes she had. Today went by very quickly if not being boring. Today was Thursday which Reyna felt nothing usually happened on a Thursday. She could not wait until Friday tomorrow just so she could do nothing but stay home.

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