Reyna XVI

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NEVER IN HER LIFE HAD SHE EVER BEEN INSIDE A LIMOUSINE BEFORE. Yes, she'd seen one from afar but that was as far as she encountered one much less get inside it. All the other girls were acting,fairly calm about it so it seemed she was the only one hyped about it. When Reyna got inside the vehicle, she was recalled by how undressed she was and how undressed she felt. The others were leaked with elegant fabrics and dresses she would stray away from in the mall since the price.

"Reyna, what are you wearing, honey?" Drew asked, jokingly but her voice seemed ticked off.

 "You understand we're going to a fancy hotel and not a regular day of school."

"Yes, of course, but I couldn't find the right dress to wear." She said, quickly.

Drew smiled and Reyna's breathed in relief.

The other girls watched in amazement and quietness as Reyna looked over at Drew. She spotted Lacy, Amber, Margaret, and a few others sitting down in the limousine but they wouldn't meet her eye. Silena was sitting down at the far edge of the limousine and Reyna couldn't help but notice a faint frown on her face and wondered what had happened.

"I know what you mean. You want everything to be perfect and what better person to help you beside me?" Drew giggled. "I brought an extra dress in my duffle bag and a pair of high heels (I just hope they're your size, Drew added and giggled again). You can wear them when we get there. It just means we'll have to go through the back since you would not want to let anyone see you not ready."

Reyna was ready to take the seat next to Silena at the far left corner of the transportation but Drew patted on the leather cushion next to her, motioning her to come over. Since it seemed like the wise thing to do, Reyna sat down over to Drew. Her aroma scented with overused rose petal perfume and it reminded her of the perfume at Victoria Secrets that she had tested out but ended up coughing.

There was a row of beverages and other snacks. Reyna couldn't help herself and stare at the variety of food. A few girls were exchanging makeup pallets with each other and one of them asked the driver to higher the volume of the music so they could hear it.

"I love this song!" Lacy grinned. "Oh, this is so good!"

"What's the song called?" Reyna asked her as Drew rolled her eyes.

"Riptide by Vance Joy," Lacy breathed a sigh.

Silena finally smiled. "Lacy, that was the song they put on at the store we went to this weekend."

Lacy's eyes widened. "Yes, it was! We should go their again!"

"Oh, my Gosh I hate this song!" Drew finally said as Lacy's body squirmed and Silena's face formed back to a frown. "Driver, change the radio immediately."

The radio changed the song to something else that no one seemed familiar with, not even Drew but they kept it to that since no one seemed to want to get Drew mad.


BEFORE REYNA KNEW IT, Drew got a majority of every girl in dress up duty, fixing up girls' hairs or doing each other's makeup all at once in the hotel's bathroom. Drew had told her since she was new into their group, she could stand aside but Reyna knew the truth that she was incapable of managing to do anything aside from putting her hair up in a pony tail which she found out by Drew that only cheerlead wannabes did that.

Reyna dusted off her dress. The dress was a tinted purplish color leaning to the darker side. She brushed her hair with her fingers and eyed herself in the bathroom mirror as Drew replied her finishing makeup touches. Drew's eyeshadow are a beige,pink color and her lipstick is a classic red. Her hair is ruffled in a puffy hairdo the make her seem as if she is stilling leaving back in the days of over hair-sprayed hair.

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