Jason III

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" There are two rules to success.

1. Never tell everything you know "

- Roger H. Lincoln


Everyone knew his parts and what to think of him. They had put him in such a high stander, Jason till wondered whether or not he was still human. When they thought so much of him, expected everything to him and Jason somehow had to live up to their expectations.

He knew every part in memorization, Jason told himself. He was ready-he had always been ready but at this moment he couldn't bring himself to do it. Jason was tired-tired of pretending to be someone he wasn't. Jason Grace was not perfect no matter how people brought him to be. He would never be perfect since it was physically unachievable to be flawless unless someone were to be some kind of immortal being.

FLAP YOUR FRIGGIN ARMS GRACE! WHY ARE YOU STOPPING! IF YOU STOP NOW, PEOPLE WILL START TO LEAVE?! His master faked a smile as he shouted daggers at Jason in the corner of his eyes. Whatever he did would never be good enough. He tried and tried and tried.


"I'm trying," The puppet squeaked as his master grabbed the puppet's face. "I'm trying!"

"You don't look happy enough,"His master whispered through his hollow ear. Jason could smell his foul breath. The puppet master took his wooden face and leaned the tips of his smiles up. "Be happier.  No one wants to watch an unhappy puppet. That's not funny!"

His gums hurt. His teeth hurt and most of all did his smile. Smiles were supposed to make you feel happier. Then why did his sadness only grow?


MORNINGS WERE AWFUL. Especially after he had spent the entire day yesterday preparing his butt off for Lacrosse. Jason rubbed his sore forehead in vain since no matter how much he rubbed, it still hurt.

Yesterday, his arms hurt. His knees burnt with pain. Jason had an ice pack in his hand that he put rested, soothingly on his injured foot. He had just gone back from practice and was in the boy's locker room changing into a pair of clean clothes. Lacrosse practice had been how should he put it- crazy and Jason wreaked with sweat.

Not only that, he was in a room filled with boys. The practice had just finished and everyone was relaxing on the benches taking sips from their bottles of water bad energy drinks. He had never met anyone like him who was so obligated to their team and strict about their diet and what they drank.

He wiped the sweat off of his forehead and rubbed his hair with a towel from his bag. Jason peeled off his socks that wreaked with odor and dirt that had found its way in his cleats. Had he done well enough today was his first question that he asked himself?

Jason could have shot for better. He cursed himself for injuring his foot but was it really his fault. His eyes cringed as he looked at his swollen purple foot that an ice pack was rested on. All the coach had done was high five him with a job good done and said his foot would be good as new when he woke up the next morning.

He pulled the lid off of from his drink and took refreshing sips from the bottle. Jason hadn't noticed how thirsty he was until now.

Someone slapped his back."Hey, Jason..."

Other Side Of The Closet [Percy Jackson Fanfiction] •Jiper•Where stories live. Discover now