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I stand in the hallway, breathing erratically. Each step feels wrong, I shouldn't be here. I should of stayed away whilst I can, but I have to come here. I have to beg for more help, there is always a consequence to be payed.

I walk into the old fashioned, round windowed office. It's dark, one light is lite in the far hand corner of the room. The window is blocked out by a larger black curtain draping from the roof. It's a lot different from what I remember, it was the mayors office. Now, now it's abandoned and used for his bidding.

The black leather chair is turned away from me, the figure of a human shadows behind it. His figure. The man from the street, the magic man.
I am yet to know his name, and I've never seen his face. His presence sends chills across my body.

'I need your help.'

My shaking voice fills the eerie air. Nothing else moves in the room, not even him. The feeling of being watched stirs in my head. I can feel all the intricate hairs standing on edge like a thousand soldiers ready to March. I muster up enough courage.

'I said. I need your help!'

Slowly the chair begins turning towards me, it creaks. Making the horrible noise that grates in your ears.

I draw back a little to the door.

He stops facing me now. I still cannot see is face, just the outlining details of it. His eyes noticeable beneath the dark, weird eyes. These eyes filled with fiery colours, nothing of the usual eye. I swallow tentatively.

'Didn't I just help you?'

He grins, his pearl white teeth spills into the darkness. Like tiny snow drops falling from a night sky.

'Yes. I wanted to make sure you would withhold both your promises...'

I try to be brave. I'm desperate to remain strong in front of the man but I can't, he completely terrifies me.

'That I did. I gave you the address.'

He continues to grin. I don't know where to look. It's obvious he can see me from the light leaking in through the door behind me.

'And your other promise.. To protect me.'

He laughs. A creepy, somewhat joyous laugh.

'You see. Miss swan, you forgot to mention what to protect you from.'

I swallow.

'I did what you wanted me to do!'

I call out, weakness taking a hold.

'Yes, that you did. You gave up Killian Jones, in return for the package.'

'And what about the other promise?'

I slowly walk towards him, growing a bit in confidence now.

'You'll have to strike another deal.'

I swallow again, my confidence gone.

'If I do, you have to promise to protect me from everything...'

He gets up, his figure moving slowly around the desk.

'You see. Dearie, for me to do such a thing you'll have to pay an awfully big price...'

'Anything. Just tell me.'

I'm scared. I just want my life... I have to do all of this just to be happy.

He laughs.

'I want you to kill Regina Mills-'


'You see she's getting in the way of my plans, and well I can't have that.'

He grins once more.

I slowly step back, his distance growing less.

'I'm not doing that, anything but that.'

'Tut tut tut. You said anything, it's that or nothing.'

I think about running, it's no use. I'm being watched anyway. He has eyes surrounding me, I've known it since the moment I entered. I knew this was a bad idea.

'I refuse.'

He laughs again.
'You said that about Killian and look where he ended up-'

'That was different.'

He springs at the side of the desk.

'Was it now do tell.'

I look down at my shoes. The darkness crowded at my feet.

'Killian was a means to an end. I was using him for my own amusement, once I was finished with him I followed your instructions.'

He sits on the desk.

'You see Miss swan, when I gave you the address. Did you go?'

I look up slowly.

'No that's right. You didn't, you went to cell number 204.'

'How did you-'

'Eyes everywhere.' He giggles rather creepily.

'And your point is?'

I don't know where it's come from, I'm suddenly full of confidence and biting back.

'You care about him.'
I swallow looking down.

'You do!'
He laughs hysterically. I jump.

'Shame he 'cared' about you.'

I feel my eyes stinging for the withheld tears.

'This is-'

'So I'll ask again, why did you turn Killian in?'

I know the truth, I just can't admit it.

'Because I needed the address.'

'No dearie, it's nothing of the sort. It's because you knew you couldn't have a future with him, he's bad you're bad. Two wrongs don't make a right.'
I shake my head.

'My past has nothing to do with this.'

'Nonsense. I seem to be a bit confused Miss Swan, what was the name you gave the FBI when they asked?'

I look away, I wish he didn't know everything. I can't lie.

He yells, my heart racing.

'Leia Swan.'

He grins and laughs, this time with a bit more ambition fuelling his hysteria.

'Now I'll make it easier for you Emma.'

I shoot my head up.

'You fail to kill Regina Mills by sun down and you'll end up behind the bars you belong.'

I can't go there. I can't.
'And if I-'

'If you do, I shall withhold the promise and protect you from them and Killian.'

He knows about Killian's threat too I'm guessing. I nod and dash for the door. I don't want to be here a second longer.

'Oh and dearie. The necklace. Don't want you getting any smart ideas.'

I stop, clasping at my chain.

'I already tried it.'

'Trying and believing are two very opposites.'

I slowly pull it off, his hand extends. I drop It into them and run.

~20 minutes later.~

'Regina!' I dash over to her, My tear stained face uncontrollably reddening by the second.

'Emma what's?'

'You need to tell my parents. I'm sorry.'

'What on earth for-'

'I have to do this. I can't keep running, it's all over. I need you to tell them I'm sorry for not being the daughter they deserve. And Regina, tell them I love them.'

I pull back from her. My heads a mess


'Just do it. Promise me!' I yell.

'Ok, I promise.'

Sometimes you have to decided when to stop running, when you have to conquer your own battles..

Sexual Attraction.... ( CaptainSwan story) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now