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My head hums with the sounds of distant echoes, I roll my head to the side. My left cheek hits the hard plastic beneath me. I groan. Ugh, I feel sick.


The echoes become louder as they get closer. Until something touches my back, I shoot my eyes open. My head spinning, I slowly and painful un-peal my skin from the keyboard, lifting my head.

'Emma, what are you doing?'

My eyes slowly focus on a worried Regina.

'Hmm.. I'm just.'

I drop my head back onto the keyboard. A sudden smash hits the floor, I shoot my head up in shock as it ricochets through my ears.


'Awe.. My rum..'

I try keeping my head up, it burns. My throat feels dry and hard to swallow. I feel sick..

'How much have you drank?'

Reginas nags loudly.

'Why do you care?'

My head goes heavily again, I slowly lean forward. Regina grabs my shoulders and lifts my up from my chair.

'Come on. I'll take you home.'

'No, get of me I'm fine.'

I push her away from me stumbling to my feet and across the difunctional office.

'Why you doing this to yourself?'

'Stupid.. Killian..Girlfriends..'

I stutter grasping on to her arm for balance, I can barely see.

'Emma what are you talking about?'

'You wouldn't understand.'

I mumble, trying to feel no emotion but I just want to cry. I just need to.. Like I need him..

Regina allows me to lean my weight on her as she pulls me out the office and onto the bright burning street.
I squint my eyes. Ugh now my head feels even worse than before. Never again am I drinking!

'Is that sheriff Swan?'

'What happened?'

'How disgraceful'

I hear noises coming from multiple directions, Storybrooke is filled with wonderful judging characters. I'm sure what I do with my life is nothing to do with them.


A voice I recognise above the noise of the cars, talking and my infernal heart beat steadily increasing. An Irish voice.

'Regina what happened to her?'

I try to speak but my mouth is so dry, I need a drink.

'She may have had a bit too much.'

I look at Killian trying to focus on his face, I can't.

'Why Emma luv.'

'Love pfft... You caused this!' I yell inside.

'I'm taking her home, maybe she can tell me when she's sobered.'

I feel like I'm not really here, like I'm invisible and ears dropping. It's a strange feeling mixed with alcohol.

Do these two even know each other?

'Let me take her?'

Sorry what? I snap back out of my drunken daydream and try listening properly. He's taking me home? Wait.. What?

'If you insist.'

All of a sudden I feel Regina loosen her grip on me as my body starts dropping to the left, suddenly two warm comforting hands slide along my back as I'm scooped from the floor. I lay in his arms, my eyes slowly focusing on his bright ocean eyes and his attractive face. I've messed this one up.

~A few moments later~

My head hits something soft, my eyes drift open. I'm still drunk but I'm in bed now... Killian sits beside me his hand pressed against my forehead.

'Why help me..' I slur.

'Because you needed it.' He laughs, getting up and return with a glass of water. I go to take the glass, he moves it back.

'Let me help you, swan.'

He moves beside me, holding me protectively whilst I drink. His warm presence touching my skin, I know what I want to do but I know I can't.

I smile, slowly my eyes fall heavily shut. I still hear him breathing beside me. I listen to him, he mutters.


I don't reply, my head hurts and I can't open my eyes.

'The truth is luv.. I helped you because I care. You rest, swan.'

Suddenly I feel a kiss upon my forehead, warm and tender. My surroundings fade.

~One day later~

The horizon, beautiful horizon. I look into the ocean below my feet, thinking about the depths.
Who am I kidding, what I am thinking is what on earth happened yesterday?
I remember Killian. I remember him taking me home and talking to me.. Did that happen?

'Hello luv.'

A voice calls, Killian's voice. I continue focusing on the sea. He sits beside me on the edge of the dock.

'What are you doing here? Haven't you got a girlfriend to be with?' I say icy.

'I like the sea, she doesn't.' He mutters.

'Do you miss being a lieutenant?'

I slowly look at him, his eyes already gazing into mine.

'Aye. More than anything.'

I see the despair in his eyes, his true passion gone.

'Did I see you yesterday?'
I didn't mean to ask that so abruptly.

'No. Not at all'

He replies quickly and to the point. I can't have dreamt that...could I?


He moves his hand onto mine, I freeze at his touch. I hate it, I want him to touch me. I want to be the one he needs, the girl he's been dreaming off... His true love but all I can think is his girlfriend, she's everything I'll never be...

I see his tattoo once more.
'Who's Milah?'

He moves back and stands.

'Look Emma I must go, my girlfriend.'

'Killian wait.'

He stops and slowly turns around. We hold a stare for some time.

'She was my first love. I've never loved anyone the way I loved her, I don't think I ever will.'

He looks down, he's a broken man who needs fixing. I walk towards him placing my hand on his left cheek lifting his head. He smiles, slowly moving towards me. A realisation in his eye stops him, he pulls back.

'I did come here to ask you something?'

He did. My heart leaps, is he.. Does he still care, did he mean what I dreamt he did?

'You did?'

He smiles.
'I'd like to invite you to my wedding..'

Sexual Attraction.... ( CaptainSwan story) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now