Unspoken Words

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It's been a few weeks since I saw Killian, the last time I saw him was when he told me he was getting married. Married to a girl he'd just met, of course true love doesn't need time...

Pfft. I sit up, it's pathetic. The whole situation is pathetic. I get out of bed throwing my dressing gown on. I mean how can you want to marry someone the moment you met them?

I walk into the kitchen switching on the kettle.

He invited me to go. I think I'll pass, why would I want to go and watch my happiness destroyed completely. Sure it's my own fault, I played to hard to get and he gave up. Typical. Now I'm here wanting him and he's taken. It was obvious there was something between us and I've denied it too long.


I slam my hands down onto the unit reacting in utter pain of how hard the side is or how weak my wrist are.

I look at my watch

I'm awake late.. The wedding started ten minutes ago, they're nearly at the I dos...


Killian's POV

I stand at the front of the church listening to the vows of my doting girlfriend looking amongst the guests of Storybrooke. Emma isn't here. Of course she isn't, she doesn't want to wish me good luck and nor should she. She made it clear the other day.

*Other day*

'I'd like to invite you to my wedding?'

'I'm sorry what?'

I see the gleam of excitement that perhaps was in her eyes fade. She stands back bewildered.

'Im getting married.'

'Wow. That's soon.'

She turns away from me, looking out at the horizon.

'I hoped you'd come and wish me luck-'

'I won't be coming.'
She snaps.


'I'm not coming to watch you claim you love for a women you hardly know.'

She's right, I do hardly know her.

'I understand.'
I turn to leave.

'Killian.' I stop
'I wish you all...' I hear her voice breaking, perhaps she's crying.

'All.. The.. I hope you made the right decision. I..'

I don't know, it's like I wanted her to say something to... 


'If anyone sees a reason why these two should not marry speak now and forever hold their peace'

I look around, my eyes tentatively searching. Killian have you made the right decision. I smile, yes I have.

Emma's POV

Useless. Pathetic. Moron.

I aimlessly through rocks into the sea, sitting here normally calms me but today... Ugh.


Regina's voice calls from behind me. I don't talk just continue to throw.

'Is that helping?'


'Then why do it?'

I stop putting my arm down.

'Because if I think hard enough I can picture her face.'

I throw the hardest I have ever done.

Sexual Attraction.... ( CaptainSwan story) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now