Chapter 12

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So, yeah...This is more of a filler chapter...Enjoy ^.^

Octavia opened her eyes, but at first she saw nothing. Everything was engulfed by darkness. Slowly, forms and colors started to reach her occipital lobe and her surroundings started to become clearer and clearer until she recognized it all. She was in a hospital bed with a pulsating ache in the back of her head. She felt pressure on her right arm and something tickling her elbow. Looking down, she recognized the shaggy light brown mop of hair as her fiancé’s. She slowly slipped her hand from under Theodore’s sleeping figure and started to softly and lovingly caress his hair. Her fingers ran through the greasy, tangled mess, and she smiled sadly, realizing he probably sat by her side for a long ass time, not leaving for long periods of time.

Time flew by and Theodore stirred under the tender caress of the black haired woman. He lifted his head slowly and gazed up at her with his sleepy grey orbs.

“Octi?” he whispered, still thinking his sight was pulling his leg. “You finally woke up!” his voice gained intensity and he jumped to hug her.

The woman winced slightly, but returned the hug with her wobbly arms, still recovering from the long slumber. Theo felt the woman wince and backed away slightly, his facial expression turning from rejoiced to concerned.

“Are you ok?” he whispered.

“It hurts, Theo” she whined quietly, her voice hoarse.

He nodded understandingly and caressed her black greasy hair. “I know” he whispered, lowering his head until their foreheads touched. “It’ll get better. I promise” he continued, then leaned in for a kiss.

And they kissed for the longest time. It was slow, but meaningful as if they had been separated for ages.

“How long have I been out?” Octavia asked when they finally pulled away and Theo sat down on the bed, playing with her fingers in his lap.

“Three weeks” came the reply. “I asked for you to be transferred back to Central Hospital ‘cause Marshall was fuming and he wanted me back to work, so yeah…” the light brown haired man rambled on.

Octavia looked around and recognized her surroundings. She indeed was in a room of Central Hospital, downtown Manhattan. “Three weeks?” she breathed out, settling back into her pillow, shutting her eyes closed. “What about the Pentagram? Has Crimson tracked it down?” her voice lost intensity, turning into a whisper.

Theo nodded. “Yeah, I just came back the other day from Canada. We managed to prevent it, but I doubt the fifth point won’t activate” he said, tracing light circles in her left hand palm.

“What about…” Octavia gulped, her gaze falling to her womb. “What about the baby?”

“It didn’t suffer one bit. We have a strong fella on our hands, don’t we?” Theo chuckled.

Octavia chuckled along with him. “Of course we do”

“Have you thought of any names?” Theo asked, lying his head in Octavia’s lap, sprawled across the couch in her apartment, three days after Octavia woke up from her coma.

The black-haired woman shrugged. “I was thinking Alice for a girl and Danny for a boy”

“Alice or Daniel” Theo repeated after her, smiling widely as he was looking up from his spot. “I like it” he said, sitting up and kissing her lips softly. “I was thinking we could move in together…since we’re getting married anyways”

She slid in his embrace, his head now resting in the crook of her neck, while the lanky pair of arms hugged her waist from behind. “Not such a bad idea, Mr. Drew” she said. “But you do realize that neither of our apartments has enough room for both of us plus the little troublemaker”

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