Chapter 1

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Uh...this is my first attempt to write a Fantasy story and even though it's only the first chapter I think it's going to turn out great, with all the freaky abnormal stuff going on...yeah. Anyway, enjoy! :o3

“Businessman Edward Clinton was found dead in his house last night. He was transported immediately to Central Hospital, downtown Manhattan. The cause of his death is uncertain. The police are still searching for any clues that might lead to a possible cause of his death, but nothing will be declared until we find out the results of his autopsy…” the reporter announced on TV.

Octavia looked up from the paperwork she had on the wooden table and gazed at the TV. This looked like the simplest of cases, where all that was needed was the standard autopsy and some investigation to find the killer and it was all done. But something told her it was more than that, that this wasn’t just the cookie-cutter routine. Sighing, she finished the paperwork, stored it neatly in a black folder and stood up, stretching her muscles. Calmly, she turned off the TV and headed towards her bedroom to get ready for work.

As always, Octavia was efficient. She was on her way to the hospital twenty minutes later, in the tranquility of her car. She wasn’t hurrying. The streets of Manhattan were busy enough for that time of the day, but she knew how to sneak around and make her way to her destination in no time.

“You’re early” the front desk lady said flatly, eyeing the younger woman. “You are waited in the mortuary to perform the autopsy of Edward Clinton” she informed her and handed her a clipboard.

Octavia didn’t say anything. She took the clipboard and entered the mortuary area of the hospital, replacing her jacket with a white robe on the way.

“Dr. Igneel!” her co-worker Dr. Drew called, running to her. “Today we have to perform an urgent autopsy…” he started, but was cut off by Octavia.

“The Clinton case?” she asked, not looking up from her clipboard. “I know; it’s all over the place. TV, newspapers, even the front desk lady informed me about it”

“The hospital director specifically said that he wants you to do it. And it’s obvious-“ Dr. Drew said, but he was cut off again.

“No need to be a kiss ass, Theodore. We’re the same in the hierarchy” she said on a bored tone.

“I was just complimenting, Octavia, because some people just appreciate your work” the man replied.

The woman said nothing more and headed to the cold room, with the man hot on her heels. She swiftly pulled out the drawer labeled ‘Urgent’ and, with the help of Theodore they moved the body to the autopsy room; as soon as they equipped themselves and set up the table of useful instruments they proceeded to cut the body open.

Throwing away their once white gloves, the two doctors sat down around the table inside the small office to rest and to note down their discoveries.

“It says here that he was perfectly healthy, coming from a perfectly healthy bloodline…” Theodore started.

“So he basically dropped dead” Octavia’s statement was cold, neutral.

“Pretty much” the man replied. “Every organ seems normal, no signs of choking, or blood loss, or any external factors that may have caused his death”

“We haven’t taken a look at his brain…and come to think of it, the heart looked a little strange” Octavia said as realization hit her, standing up and heading towards the cold room to retrieve the corpse they’ve been working on all day.

The WretchedΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα