Chapter 5

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The drive back home was silent. David was silently driving, throwing short glances at his wife once in a while. Hepta was slightly smiling; Octavia and Theodore took the news rather well. Even though she was a bit concerned about the Book’s whereabouts, she was delighted her daughter didn’t throw a fit.

The Igneel residence wasn’t empty when the two arrived. Lights were turned on all around the ground floor, meaning that the youngest Igneel was home from college for the weekend.

The two silently stepped out of the vehicle and entered their home, eager to meet their son after such a long time they’ve been apart. However, when they entered through the front door, they heard two male voices coming from the kitchen loud enough to be herd on the entire ground floor.

“I just…I can’t tell them, Austin” a voice whined, the elder ones recognizing it as their son’s.

“Caleb, you have to tell them sooner or later. It is better if you tell them now rather than they find out on their own. My parents didn’t mind” the second voice said calmly.

“You don’t understand. This would take my old man to his grave” Caleb whined.

Hepta and David exchanged glances, communicating without words. They entered the room without making any noises, startling their son.

“Mom, dad” Caleb awkwardly stated, rubbing the back of his head while having a wide, awkward grin plastered across his face.

Hepta ran up to him and hugged him tightly, as if to hold on for dear life. “I’ve missed you, kid” she breathed out, while Caleb had a hard time breathing in his overly-attached mother.

“Missed…you too…mom” Caleb chocked out, subtly trying to pry Hepta off of him.

Hepta took the hint and let go of her son. It was David’s turn, anyway. The older man shook his son’s hand formally then pulled him into a hug, inhaling his scent: men’s deodorant, a product so dear to him, but one that he didn’t get to smell on other people lately.

“And who is this young man?” Hepta spoke, her real attempt being to pry her husband off of Caleb.

David let go of his son, turning to the stranger who just witnessed their reunion. The chocolate brown haired young man stood up fixing his attire before smiling kindly and stretching out a hand for David to shake.

“I am Austin Harrison. Nice to meet you” he said, as David shook his hand. “Caleb speaks fondly of you both”

“He’s my roommate from college, as well as my best friend and classmate” Caleb piped in, clarifying the relationship between the two.

Caleb wasn’t totally clueless. He knew that his parent eavesdropped and that he owed them an explanation. He was blessed with intuition, making him able to determine the right moment in the conversation to spill the beans to his parents.

Austin seemed to read his mind, his mood becoming grim. Hepta noticed, turning her head towards her son, who stood up.

“I have to tell you guys something” he started, chocking in the process on his own words.

Parental instincts kicked in, making the two parents jump to hasty conclusions.

“Have you got kicked out of school?” David asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

“Have you knocked someone up?” Hepta asked, gaining amazed and questioning glares from the two younger men. “What? It seemed plausible! No need to get your panties in a twist” she continued, pouting slightly.

“No, dad, that’s not the case. And no, mom, I haven’t slept with a girl in a long time” Caleb’s face got red with embarrassment, having to answer such questions. He turned his gaze to Austin, who threw him a reassuring smile, as if to support him in his actions. “I’m gay” he finally said.

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