Chapter 3

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One month later…

“Seth Montgomery, an old man from a small town on the west coast, died inexplicably during a family reunion in his house. He was immediately taken to Medford, Oregon for an immediate autopsy” read a small article from New York Times.

“Octavia, look at this” Theodore showed her the paper, as they were getting ready for an autopsy, preparing the table of utensils. “Another inexplicable death”

Octavia scanned the paper, furrowing her eyebrows together. “I wonder if this has anything to do with the Clinton case from a month ago” she said.

“A lot of people die” Theodore told her. “Not everyone’s deaths are linked to one another”

“People don’t simply drop dead, Theodore” she retorted.

“True” the man sighed, fixating his glare on the black-haired woman across from him.

He liked her; he liked the mysterious aura surrounding her. And ever since their little one night stand, he felt even more drawn to her. Everyday he’d wake up and go to work cheerfully, because he’d know for sure that she is there. Octavia, on the other hand, thought Theodore was an open book. Coming from a family of nobles during the Middle Ages, she was used to mysterious people. But Theodore was different. He always made his emotions visible; he always made his thoughts heard. That’s what she found intriguing. To each his own, I guess.

Today’s autopsy was simple. The corpse they were cutting open belonged to a drug addict that died of heroin overdose. Not one of the most challenging cases. In no time, the two doctors were sitting in the small office, Octavia writing the paperwork needed for such cases and Theodore contacting the police.

“Yes, yes, we just finished with the body you sent us” Theodore sighed in exasperation.

“Alright then. You are asked to come to the police station to hand in the declaration…” the woman on the other side said, but Theodore cut her off.

“Look, lady, I don’t have the time, ok?” he spat angrily. “I have three more autopsies to perform today, and it’s only fair that if cops brought him in, cops will take him out. Him, and his God damned paperwork”

“Oh…alright” the lady said, not in the mood to continue this argument, knowing that what the man said was true. “Have a nice day”

Theodore hung up then leaned over the table and rested his head on his arms.

“The people at the police station are such…” he started.

“Hypocrites?” Octavia completed his sentence.

“Exactly” he said, extending his hand in front of him.

“You need to hand the paperwork in tomorrow and the new law provides that autopsy technicians work for the Police Department, as well as mortuaries so that’s a whole other stack of paperwork for tomorrow” Dr. Marshall told the two, as they made their way to the parking lot after their shift ended.

“What?!” Octavia exclaimed, gawking at the sight of the two piles of paper their superior and his assistant carried.

“How do you expect us to finish that much paperwork till tomorrow?” Theodore asked. “You must be out of your mind, old man”

“Watch it, Drew” the older man said. “You have tonight ahead of yourselves” he continued as he shoved the pile of paper in Theodore’s hands, motioning towards his assistant to do the same to Octavia.

“Come on!” the woman exclaimed. “My mother is coming over tonight! Do you really expect me to blow her off like this?”

“You blow off a lot of people. What’s it to you if you do the same one more time?” Dr. Marshall replied. “First thing tomorrow morning” he continued then exited the hospital through the glass doors.

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