"Sam isn't going down without a fight!" Cole said.

"Stupid girl should of stayed down" JBL muttered.

Nikki was still up in the refs face, so I got behind her and rolled her up.



I was a second away from winning until she kicked out.

We stood up and stared at each other.

We then locked up, Nikki then got me in a head lock. She then bounced me off the ropes, I ducted her close line and dropped kicked her. I once again went for the cover.

"1!" She kicked out, I was hoping that she would stay down, but deep down inside I knew she wouldn't.

Nikki had rolled out of the ring, I started clapping to get the crowd behind me. Once they were making loads of noise I bounced off the ropes and dived out of the ring, Nikki's back smashed against the steel and it buckled. Hearing that noise sent a smile to my face.

"Oh no, what is Sam thinking?" Cole said.

"Well what ever it is it can't be good!" JBL jumped in.

He was right, it wasn't going to be good. I looked at the steel then back at Nikki. An even bigger smile came across my face. I pulled her up by her hair and repeatedly smashed her face against the steel, each time I did it a sense of relief came across me.

Once I stopped she dropped to the floor, I looked down at my hands and they had blood on them. I started to worry that maybe I had gone to far.

I got down on the floor and tried not to let the cameras pick up on what we were saying.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" I whispered as quickly as I could.

"Yeah I'm fine, keep going" I picked her up and put her in the ring then went for the cover.



Once again she kicked out.

I slapped the mat in frustration.

I then dragged her to the middle of the ring and got up on the top turn buckle, I looked down at her then did a moon salt. Unfortunately she moved out of the way and I smacked my stomach down on the mat.

Nikki then distracted the ref, I was confused with what was happening.

I was about to go and get her before I got grabbed from behind. Before I knew it my head had been hit against the exposed turn buckle and I was bleeding, then I saw a flash of red hair. Eva. She then did her finished on me the sliced red #2, she then rolled out of the ring and went back under.

Nikki then came and picked me up and did the rack attack on me.

She went for the cover.




I was in too much pain to kick out. She had beaten me.

"Here is your winner and still Divas Champion, Nikki Bella!" The crowd were booing.

She then exited the ring and held her title high in the air and Eva hugged her.

I was once again disappointed in myself.
Well that's another chapter up!

I know that the match wasn't very long, but I think I put some pretty cool things in?

Let me know what you think!

Wouldn't it be cool to see a Hell in a Cell match for the women though?!

Anyways follow me on Twitter @SamisWWE97 :)

Thanks for reading, see you all soon xo

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