Start from the beginning

"Okay but why do I have to take French and French history, I didn't know that the school had those subjects." I said.

"They don't you did those when you did your sophomore and junior year in France with us in the private school we attended." Nina said as she smiled at me and pulled all the book out.

"I went to a private school?" I said shocked. "I really did?"

Nina gave a sigh.

"This is going to be a long frustrating hour." Nina said.

After an hour of trying to get some information in me Nina gave up and just decided to give me a test with all of the information and the oddest this was that I got everything right.

"How did you get everything right if you don't remember anything?" Nina asked me.

"I don't know." I said as I shrugged.

"Maybe your subconscious remembers everything but not studying it, so in a way you know but you don't." Blake suggested and I nodded faintly.

"I'm not in the mood for Psychology things. Let's go to the next class." Nina said as she rubbed her temples tiredly.

We went to my other class that was AP Music Theory, Ian was there but as I entered I just tried to avoid his gaze which was had since we sat next to each other.

"Hi." I said as Nina took me to my seat.

"How are you feeling?" Ian asked me but I could tell that he was forcing himself to talk to me.

"Not very well, Ian I don't know in what position we stand on but I am sure of something I owe you an apology." I said in a soft voice.

"You don't." He said shaking his head.

"Yes, I do. I apologize for acting that way in the hospital towards you; it was rude and horrible of me to treat you like that." I said as I closed my eyes. "You must think that I am the worst person ever."

"It's not your fault; you had all the right to act like that. You were confused and I rushed things." Ian said trying to make me feel better yet it didn't work.

I shook my head.

"You just reacted for the moment, my family explained to me that you were there all night long taking care of me and I think it was sweet of you to act like that, it was me who ruined the moment." I said as I looked at him sadly.

"What are you saying?" Ian asked me confused.

"Ian, this is hard for me since the last thing I remember is you and I fighting, so trying to see you in another way is hard but all I'm asking for is time, I need time to solve everything and please know that as I try to solve everything I might do stupid things but I need you to tolerate them and tolerate me." I said, if everything they had told me about Ian was true I did not want to risk anything to lose him.

"By that do you refer to what happen yesterday?" Ian said.

"Ian, he kissed me. I had no idea he was going to do that but I know it was wrong to just stay there at let you leave when I had to explain everything so I am also sorry for that." I said as I looked down to my lap.

"Alex, just tell me something but please promise to be honest." Ian said making me look up.

"I will." I said as I nodded.

"Do you have feelings for Brad?" He asked me and I stayed silent.

I stared at his blue eyes, how could a pair of eyes whose color resembled ice could hold some much warmth? I stared at his face and saw how his brown hair covered part of his eye; all I wanted to do was to run my fingers through his hair like I used to do when he slept in the car when we went to the lake house with my family.

Bittersweet Revenge (A Rock N Roll Soul Story Part II)Where stories live. Discover now