Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The flash back left as fast as it came, leaving Lucia afraid and uncomfortable. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she woke up from her nap. She quickly wiped them away and forced herself back into the real world. She was here in the Patton’s house, in her bed. She had no bruises on her chest, nor blood on her legs. A shiver was sent down Lucia’s body.

When they’d gotten home, Lucia had decided to take a nap; she regretted it now. She always tried to push away the bad things and think about the good. In Lucia’s mind, there were many good things about Joshua Kenneth; in reality, there was little good in him. She knew that deep down.

As Lucia walked down the stairs, she smoothed back her messy, black hair and made her way towards the front yard. She was still in the clothes she’d warn to the Court House.

The season was slowly making its way towards autumn, which meant that Lucia’s flowers would soon die off. She knew this, but she was determined to keep them alive. There was a cool breeze that blew past Lucia as she walked out of the house. She shivered a bit, but kept walking. Her blue eyes brightened when she caught sight of the purple Mums that had sprouted. Lucia ran to them and dropped to the ground before them.

Their violet color was pure and beautiful, almost as gorgeous as the red Mums. Lucia stroked the baby petals gently. There wasn’t a scent to the small flower just yet, Lucia had noticed when she leaned down to sniff it.

“You should really wear a jacket,” a voice came from behind Lucia. “You’re going to get a cold; it’s freezing out here.”

Lucia stayed calm as something was draped over her shoulders. “Thank you,” she replied. She glanced back, expecting to see her brother, but instead the same guy she’d ran from not too long ago was in his place. His jade eyes gazed at Lucia, as if he were trying to see through her. His mixed blonde hair blew his scent towards her as it fluttered from the wind; she could smell cinnamon.

The girl pushed away her midnight hair and slipped her arms into the too-large jacket sleeves. They stared at one another for the longest time before Lucia turned back to the small Chrysanthemum. Her heart thumped in her chest, she wondered if she could really trust him as Vance said. Why was he here again? Lucia didn’t know, but she decided that if Vance could trust him, she could, too. She wouldn’t give him too much trust just yet, though.

“I’m sorry about the other day,” Mason said in his deep, husky voice that sounded so much like Vance’s. “I hadn’t meant to.”

Lucia simply nodded at the man, sprinkling water over the flowers. “What kinds are those?” Mason asked, gesturing towards the bloomed flowers. It was odd that he’d given Lucia his jacket, considering he was wearing khaki shorts and a long sleeved gray Aeropostal shirt.

Hesitant, Lucia pointed at the small flower. “It’s a purple Chrysanthemum. Those,” she pointed at the already grown ones in which Lucinda had bought, “are Irises and Daisies.” Mason, to Lucia’s surprise, seemed interested. Not even Lucinda could force herself to be interested in her flowers.

“That’s nice. They’re very pretty. I think it’s because you tend to them so well,” Mason smiled.

Lucia couldn’t tell if she’d blushed or if her cheeks burned from the wind slashing against her face. She returned to watering the flowers. Lucia heard Mason sit down beside her and she wondered why he’d done so. In her chest, her heart jumped a bit. There was no doubt that Mason wasn’t your typical deep-voiced man. He was handsome – not a pretty boy like most. He had a bright smile which was almost too big. His walnut-shaped face went perfectly with his hazelnut skin.

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