Chapter 17 - Red-hot hatred.

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~ Its amazing that the heart makes no noise when it cracks. ~

I groaned feeling a little sore on my arm and lower tummy, and forced my groggy eyes open. My head throbbed and I rubbed my temple to ease the pain. What was happening? Where the hell was I?

''Oh, you're finally awake. Congrats Mrs Malhotra. You're pregnant.'' A lady's voice greeted me. Mrs Malhotra?!!

I turned my head, perplexed, towards the direction of her voice and she smiled warmly at me. She was definitely a doctor, dressed in her white coat and a filled syringe in hand, from which she was transferring blood into little tubes. I cringed at the site of it.

''Doctor, May I come in if you're done?''

''Yes, Mr Malhotra. Please do.'' She replied to the male voice and the door budged open immediately. Manik entered and I gasped, slowly recollecting all that happened. I had come with Manik to his house, so that we could talk about my pregnancy, and he had asked me to sleep for a bit.. No, actually more like - ordered me to.

''By the way, it was quite surprising how you slept through the whole pelvic exam and the blood test.'' She whispered loudly towards me and laughed a little. What?!! But why did she do all of that? And how on earth didn't I wake up when she was performing all these tests?

Unless... I was drugged.

It hit me. The water. That glass of water Manik gave me when I got to his bedroom definitely had something in it that made me sleep so heavily. Realisation immediately made my breathe in a hitched manner and I could feel blood rushing to my head.

He got the doctor here to confirm my pregnancy. He hadn't believed I was pregnant. He didn't trust me... And all that care and concern he showed had been fake.

My legs felt cold and I glanced only to realise I was only in my kurti and my leggings had been discarded aside. I quickly covered up my bare legs from Manik with the blanket and the doctor looked a little surprised at my quick gestures. Afterall, to her I was his wife.

I was devastated and terribly disgusted by what had happened. I felt hatred for Manik creeping up again.

''I have finished performing the internal examination for your wife. Congrats sir, she's pregnant. I have also taken blood samples for proper confirmation of exactly how many weeks it has been and you'll get the results soon.'' She informed him and I watched Manik gulp, startled at the news, his fists immediately balling up as he battled to maintain a calm expression despite the thunderbolt he recieved.

He nodded and mumbled ''Thank you Doctor. I'll drop by to collect the reports tomorrow.''

''Take care of your wife and keep bringing her for regular checkups. Best wishes to both of you.'' She said cordially, before exiting the room.

As soon as she left, I began screaming at him, not able to contain the anger and disgust inside of me anymore. ''How dare you Manik?!! You did all of this without my permission.. Hadn't I showed you my medical report this morning?! Why did you have to take such extreme actions?''

''And how do you think I can believe the person who had lied to me for so long? You had already tried ruining my life.. How could I not think this was just another attempt? You should know one thing about me Baby-girl.. I do NOT repeat my mistakes.'' He simply replied, not realising how much he was hurting me.

''So, all that concern you showed me.. all of it.. was fake..?'' I squeaked, remembering how he had run his fingers through my hair and let me sleep on his lap. I knew it wasn't genuine, but my heart still wanted him to refuse, to put me at peace. I was indeed disappointed and I rebuked myself for expecting so much from him. He hates me... Why did I even let myself think he cared for me? 

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