Chapter 12 - Content in his arms.

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We went back inside to catch some sleep. I was extremely happy and satisfied after a very long time, and shook off the feelings of guilt for time-being. I changed into my night-clothes and hopped onto my side of the bed while Manik laid down on his.

We left the night-lamp switched on, so that Manik's sleep wouldn't be disturbed by nightmares. As I slipped into a lie-down position, I felt some emptiness and missing warmth.

''Ahem.. Manik..Can I ask you for a favour?'' I asked in a low voice, looking over to his side. He tilted his head towards me and raised his eyebrows.

''Can I slip into your arms? It helps me sleep peacefully. And anyways I'm the birthday can't refuse me today.'' I said. Manik chuckled and I could see from his expression that he never meant to refuse anyway. He happily complied and took me in his arms like one would cuddle a child while I sighed audibly in content.

He then bought his lips close to my ear and whispered ''Are you sure this is all you want? I have a feeling you're asking for something more, Nandu..''.
I rolled my eyes and punched him lightly on his gut while he chuckled noiselessly at my reaction. We then slowly drifted off to sleep, feeling each other's heartbeat and deriving warmth from each other.


I woke up feeling Manik's lips pressing smoothly on my forehead. I mewled and buried my face deep into his chest, not wanting to get up from this comfortable position. He laughed lightly and played around with the strands of my hair for a few moments.

''Wake up baby-girl. Its your special day today. Go and get ready. I'll make you a special breakfast before college.'' He said.

College. Damn it. Where will I go?

I left his arms and got up instantly, my mind in utmost confusion. I bit my lip nervously and tried to figure out what I should do next.

''Breakfast for the birthday girl!! This is just the first treat by the way..'' Manik's announcement after some time broke my flood of thoughts. There had been such a pleasant change in his behaviour lately. I woke up to a kiss from him and now this. Despite there being Babu, Manik's trusted cook to do all the cooking, he himself prepared the food for me.

He placed a tray infront of me which had waffles with chocolate syrup and strawberries on it accompanied by a cup of steaming hot chocolate. I squealed joyfully and dug in. I had polished off the entire breakfast in a couple of minutes, not caring how the chocolate syrup got smeared all across my mouth in the process. I then looked at Manik, who had been staring at me, more like adoring me, all the while.

''What?!'' I confronted. He shook his head and looked away. But his eyes were again on me in the next moment with a naughty glint and he shifted closer to me, saying ''Time for your second treat.'' I didn't need to guess it was an impromptu treat. He then leaned in and began licking the chocolate syrup off my mouth and I just moaned in pleasure at the sweet torture. He attacked my lips and sucked off all the chocolate passionately while I threw my hands around his neck to bring him even closer to my mouth.

It was then that a feeling of guilt struck me and I jerked him off and looked away. I loved Manik. Manik was opening up to me. And I was also working on a case to get him arrested. How extremely agonised would he be when he comes to know about my mission that was under Nyonika until now. I can't let him be hurt by love again. I can't see him in pain.

''Kya huwa?'' He asked in confusion, cupping my face gently. I cleared my throat to get rid of the lump that had formed there and teasingly tried to make up for my abrupt move.''Birthday mera hai.. Aur treat tum le rahe ho?! Not fair, Mr Malhotra.''

Mission Manik Malhotra - A MaNan FF [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant