Chapter 11 - In love with the Monster.

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I opened the message Abhimanyu had sent Nyonika with trembling fingers.

'My job is done. Framed Manik. NM saw those drugs I placed in his backpack. Pls send payment ASAP '

I gulped and re-read the text, my heart gaining pace. NM .. Nandini Murthy. Those drug packets I had found in Manik's backpack were placed by Abhi on Nyonika's saying just so they could mislead me?! Why?

A hundred questions hit my mind at the same time as I tried to cope with the latest development in this case. A plausible answer came in mind the next moment.

Nyonika was probably trying to keep me away from investigating too much on the Soha matter. Maybe there were no drugs involved in the case at all. I've a feeling that the reason behind this case being assigned to me is something else altogether. It could be Nyonika wanting someone to keep her updated with each action her son took. Why the drug excuse then? And why was she trying to spy on her own son?

A 'click' sound came from the washroom door and I quickly switched off her phone and placed it back on the desk. Nyonika sashayed in, looking classy as always in a fitted knee-length grey dress, and took her seat, giving me an artificial smile. Anger ran through my veins as I looked into her deceitful eyes. She was a very manipulative and devious lady and that I had come to know very well by now. She had tried duping me and that was definitely a big stab at my ego.

''Hello Miss Murthy. I hope you know why I have called you. Any new developments in the case?''

''None.'' I replied, my fingers curling tight towards my palm in resentment under the desk.

Her eyebrows shot up. She was not expecting that reply. ''So.. You haven't found any lead on this drug racket yet?'', she probed further , looking confused and irritated. Afterall, I was denying having found anything despite her having taken so many efforts to plant drugs on Manik, just so I would be misled.

''Well.. There were some drugs that I found in the trunk of Manik's car. But, Mrs Malhotra, I'm no simpleton. I deduced that the only way they could come there was if they were placed by his friend, Abhimanyu. I have to investigate on this guy now. So, yes, I haven't found anything on Manik himself.'' I replied, with a haughty tone, almost mocking her. My ego couldn't bear anyone thinking I was half-witted like that.

Nyonika's eyes filled with blazing fury and I looked into them unfazed and coolly, which aggravated her even more.

''I am DONE with you Miss Murthy. You are FIRED!'' She screamed and hit the table with her palms, standing up and leaning towards me. I was bewildered. My statement had back-fired.

''Are you seriously threatening to fire me for no reason, Maam? For your kind information, such cases do take time!!'' I replied, standing up too and injecting my voice with a good dose of sarcasm, though I knew her anger was not just limited to my slow progress.

''Your 'slow' services are not required anymore. And I'm not threatening you. You are actually fired. Please leave my office and my son's house as soon as possible.'' She answered with a composed and scornful tone this time , knowing she had the upper-hand. My eyes instantly stung with tears but I tried to maintain my calm. I could beg her to take me back, but that would mean letting go of my self-respect and I wouldn't allow it.

''Fine. I'll leave your office. But I'm not leaving Manik's house and nor will I stop any investigation. I'll do it for myself, because I want to. Not for you.'' I said, trying hard to make sure my voice seemed confident and least shaky, though I felt entirely the opposite on the inside.

Nyonika glared at me threateningly, her complexion turning red as her anger levels rose even more. I grabbed my bag, and as I was leaving, purposely knocked down her phone as hard as possible. As it is, I've done enough damage. Couldn't have her knowing that I broke into her phone. The phone smashed into pieces, giving me a strange sense of satisfaction after all that happened and I walked out, listening to her gasp both in shock and anger.

Mission Manik Malhotra - A MaNan FF [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant