Chapter 6 - 'I need you'

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''Why have you been ignoring my calls? And what were you doing in Nyonika's office?'' Manik asked in a grave tone, digging his fingers deeper into my waist, his strong gaze boring in me. ''I-it was just to complete some.. Admission f-formalities.. I was busy, so I couldn't receive the call..'' I stammered, trying hard not to lose myself in that intense gaze of his. He left my waist and I stumbled backwards, breathing normally now.

''Why were you calling me anyways? Is something wrong? '' I asked him, suddenly concern taking over me. Manik barged towards me and pinned me to the wall, responding in a sinister tone ''Stop interrogating me everytime. I was calling to tell you that just because I opened up to you yesterday and let you comfort me.. Do NOT think I have feelings for you.''

This annoyed me beyond limits and I angrily pushed his chest, though it was useless, because his well-built frame didn't move an inch. ''I'm not some desperate teenager vying for your love. Please get this straight in your sick mind Mr. Malhotra - I am NOT interested in your stupid feelings'' I answered back firmly.
Manik's nostrils flared and he uttered ''Fine. From this moment onwards, I don't want any relation between us. Not even a physical one. Just stay away from me.''.
He then went inside Nyonika's office leaving me groaning in regret.

Things have become so messed up.. all because of me. Why did I have to comfort him and complicate things?!!!


I hung around with Navya the rest of the day because Manik seemed to be busy with Dhruv, Alya and Cabir in the jam room after leaving Nyonika's office.
By 4:30 pm, I saw Nyonika emerge from her office and leave college. I'll deal with Manik later. I need to retrieve my recording device now.

I pushed open the door to her office and entered only to find a peon sweeping in there.
''Madam.. You cannot enter like this. Nyonika maam has left, and I have to clean the office and lock it up. You can meet her tomorrow.'' He informed.
''Oh ok..'' I responded and he got back to his work, but before leaving I sneakily grabbed my pen-cum-recording device.
I rushed back home, excitedly, to connect the device to my laptop and see  if anything helps my case's progress.


Mukti and Rajiv Uncle both hadn't returned, and I was alone at home. I grabbed a cereal bar, took my laptop and settled in the living room. The camera showed nothing substantial, having been covered by other pens but the audio was pretty clear. After I left, there weren't any voices for a good 10 minutes. Then, Manik's voice broke the silence, and a conversation began.

''Nyonika.. Why did you call me? You know I'm not interested in talking to you'' Manik said, sounding disinterested and rude as usual.
''Manik, I know, but I had no other choice than to call you. You have broken our deal. You went to meet Mr Malhotra yesterday''
''W-Who told you this? How did you come to know?'' Manik asked, this time nervousness surfacing his composed voice.
''Never mind who told me. But, I have the proof and since you have broken the deal, I'm going to have to inform Dhruv that Soha died because of you''
''No.. Please Nyonika, don't do it. I won't meet Mr Malhotra again. I promise. Dhruv will never even see my face if he comes to know... He will be shattered'' This time, he was at breaking point.
''You can leave now, Manik. And remember if this happens again, I will stop Dhruv's treatment too.''


Manik is a murderer.

I just stared unbelievably at the screen, frozen in shock and horror for some moments until the cordless rang loudly. It was Mukti.

''Hey'' I picked up the phone, swallowing the lump in my throat, my heart still thudding loudly.

''Hello Nandz, Just called to inform that I have to stay back at college for some project work, so I'll be coming with Dad at 7 ..''

''Hmm..'' I responded, my thoughts still revolving around the audio clip.

''Nandz.. Kya huwa? You sound distant.. What's wrong?'' Mukti asked in concern.

''Mukti.. I have just found something shocking about the case, but I don't know if I'm right..''

''Kya? Tell me everything right now.''

''Mukti, this is not just a drug racket case, there's murder involved too. According to the audio clip from Nyonika's office, Manik Malhotra has killed his best friend Dhruv's previous girlfriend Soha''.

Before Mukti could respond, my cell phone pinged. It was a message from Manik, and it read 'I need to meet you.. NOW. Come to my house'

''Mukti.. Manik has messaged me to meet him up right now.. I'll talk to you later.'' I spoke hurriedly.

''NO.. You are not meeting him. If he really did commit murder, he could harm you too .''

''Okay. Bye'' I replied and cut the call, rushing to tie my hair and run out of the house.

My heart says he couldn't have possibly done it. But how could this audio clip be wrong?

Mukti called again but I switched off the phone.

I am going to get to the bottom of this case, no matter what. I maybe putting my life at risk, but I need to know.


''Hi Manik.. I thought you didn't want to meet me anymore? '' I asked, my heart beating fast as I approached him. He was sitting on the large couch in his living room, a devastated and shocked expression on that striking face of his . As soon as he saw me, he stood up, and pinned me to the wall, placing his lips atop mine and kissing me senseless. I was taken aback by this sudden attack. I broke the kiss before the sensations could make me give in and stepped back, hissing ''How dare you?!!''

''Nandini. Please, I need this right now. I need you. I feel so broken'' He pleaded, sounding almost desperate, for the first time.

Seeing that I wasn't ready to give in, he explained ''My bestfriend, my buddy Dhruv has separated with me and has gone into depression. He is the most precious person to me. I.. I need an outlet for these confusing emotions building up in me.. I don't know how to deal with this'' , his eyes screaming helplessness.

Nyonika must have told Dhruv about the murder, like she had threatened.

''You must have done something wrong.'' I accused him, trying to get more out of him. He slumped back on the couch, and his eyes filled up with tears as he uttered in a heart-breaking tone ''I never did anything on purpose. I would never want to steal my buddy's happiness''. Something about the sight of his tears and his statement was extremely harrowing. Despite all the proofs, I could see the genuine distress in his eyes.

Manik cannot be a murderer. It must have been accidental.

My heart for some reason refused to believe that he could actually kill someone. I threw myself in his arms and initiated the next kiss myself, before my rational brain could stop me. 

I know this is wrong, but it feels so right. Sometimes the heart knows things the brain can never explain.

His arms wrapped around my torso and he flipped me over, my hair opening up messily in the process. I was pressed under him and the way he attacked my lips was leaving me breathless but I didn't stop him. I let him pour out his agony, entwining my fingers in his silky hair.

''Nandini. Murthy.''
I froze for the second time that day. It was Rajiv Uncle's stunned voice that made us break our wild kiss.


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