The Choreographer

Start from the beginning

"W-what are you-"

Her words were interrupted with a kiss. V's lips may have trembled a bit but, he kept his cool. Pulling away slowly, V smirked as he continued to stare into her eyes.

"Go on a date with me tonight?" V asked seductively.

"V? V?! V!" A voice called from him.

Snapping out of it, V looked into the eyes of JungKook as he stood in front of him.

"Yes?" V faintly said.

"I asked, are you sure you are okay? You don't seem like it," JungKook said as he placed his hand on V's forehead, just like 'she' did.

Realizing that it was just a daydream, V nodded.

"Okay boys! Let's start it back up!" she yelled as she places her cell down on top of her gym bag. Getting into formation, V, once again, kept his eyes on her as she walked in front of the group.

"Start the music please," she said to her assistant.

This is my chance to impress her! V thought to himself.

Although she wasn't too focused on V alone, V was dancing so hard that the boys started to noticed the difference in his behavior. With a sly smile on his face, Jimin began to have an unspoken dance off with V for fun. Sweating profusely, V glanced over at Jimin, noticing his epic dancing compared to his own. Growing a bit worried, V began to dance harder than he had ever danced before. With Jimin next to him flawlessly gliding around on the floor, making every move flow naturally, V began to feel a bit more worried that she will notice Jimin before she noticed him.

When it came to change spots in the choreography, V tried to make an impressive dance move on the way to his new position. It would have worked the way he envisioned if Rap Monster wasn't so caught up in dancing foolishly. Rap monster was giggling his pants off as he flapped his arms like a bird as he shimmied to the left, passed V and Jin. Trying to not only avoid Rap Monster, V was trying to execute his move. Unfortunately, V tripped up over Rap Monster's feet and went down head first to the floor.

For a while, it was only darkness and voices in the distance. Slowly, very slowly, figures began to come about with a blinding lights above them. V realized that he was slowly coming to after falling to the hard floors.

"Give him some space!" a voice shouted from above.


"Shh!" someone hushed, "Don't speak hyung."

Trying to sit up while still out of it, V kept stammering his words. While holding the side of his head, V's double vision became clearer. He was looking straight into the eyes of 'her'. She tried to cover her worried expression with a small smile.

"How are you feeling? Can you understand me?" She asked V.

"Uh-I am fine guys," V tried to play off.

Stumbling a bit as he tried to stand, V kept his hand on the side of his head.

"Get him something for his head, please, oppa," she asked Jin.

Before she could even finish her sentence, Jin was already out of the door. The boys were still crowded around V and J-Hope would not get off of his back.

"Please boys, give him space," she repeated, "Take another 5 guys, okay?"

"May I-" V started as he walked towards her, shaking J-Hope off of him, "May I have a word with you?"

"Me?" She asked in question, "Sure, what's up?"

V looked back at the boys and gave an unspoken 'walk away'. Taking the hint, the boys began to walk away one by one; Suga walked away with a sly smile. Turning back to her, V took in some deep breaths before you began to speak. He was already getting nervous and forgetting what he wanted to say exactly. He was starting to get hot and his mouth suddenly dried out.

"Are you okay?" she asked, "Are you still dizzy? Here, sit please."

She help V down to the floor and began to rub his back for comfort.

"I uh-I just thought that we could um...Well, you're a great dancer and choreographer..." V started.

"Thank you, oppa," she smiled from ear to ear .

"I just wanted to...ask you...I thought..."

"Excuse me, sorry," Jin smiled, "This is for your head, Tae."

Quickly accepting the bag, V then shooed Jin away. Jin walked away with huge smile on his face and even shot a thumbs up to V. Embarrassed and getting angry with himself, V turned to her with a serious look that made her smile turn into a look of terror.

"I want to take you on a date sometime. I really like you and I think you are very beautiful," V blurted out suddenly.

She looked amazed but her expression soon saddened, "V, I am flattered, really, I am. I think you are an amazing guy. I think you would make a wonderful boyfriend but-"

The 'but' made V's heart drop in his chest. He already knew that there would be a rejection, especially when her voice tone changed.

"...I only like you as a friend. I got to know a bit about you these few days and I think you are amazing but, I just want us to be friends," she tried to say as nice as she could.

V was hurt but, didn't let it show. He knew that he would fight for her but at the same time he knew that there was no point being that she travels around the world to choreograph so, they wouldn't be able to see each other as much as he wished. V just nodded with a fake smile and attempted to get up.

"Are you okay to stand?" She asked him as she tried to help him stand.

V didn't answer, he just continued to get on his feet, "Thank you for your time."

For the rest of the dance practice, V sat out to rest. He still continued to watch her as she dance, shouted and correct the wrong moves the boys made. He couldn't resist a smile on his face as he watched her. Her bright, beautiful smile light up the room. The type of smile that is contagious. Although he was crushed by her words, V still felt great. He still had a light lit inside of him that made he feel even better.

Once the practice for the day was over, most of the room was cleared out. Only V, Suga and she were left in the dance studio.

"Hey, talk to her one more time before leaving okay?" Suga said to V, "Talk to her as much as you can because at the end of the week, she will be in a different country. I'll be outside."

"Thanks hyung," V replied as he patted his back.

Waiting for her to finish packing her things in her gym bag, V pretended to be search for something to avoid looking awkward. Once she finally started to head for the door, V slid in front of her with a funny expression on his face that made her giggle a bit.

"You are so cute," she continued to giggle.

With a cute smile, V giggled along, "Would you like to come to our dorm and hang out? Unless you are too busy of course."

"Sure. I will meet you guys in two hours, I just have to go home and shower first, is that okay?" She smiled.

V nodded as he slid out of her way. V watched her as she walked out of the door.

Suddenly, something hit him, "Hey wait! I know it sounds terrible but, I never got your name."

She smiled as she turned around.

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