Tough Love

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I just couldn't take it anymore. He acted as if I didn't even exist sometimes. The days we do get to be together, we usually spent around his friends which meant we barely had any privacy. Speaking of his friends, Yoongi acted completely different around them than how he acted around just me alone. He was cold and always had a poker face. He wouldn't kiss me around them, he would only hold my hand and maybe hug me from behind here and there.

When it was just me and him, he couldn't keep his hands off of me. He loved gazing into my eyes and making me laugh because 'he loves to see me happy'. He's usually such a sweet heart. Or at least that's how he was when we first got together. It was like he had two different personalities or something. I don't know what happened to him. Maybe being an idol has changed him a bit but, is the day to end it all so that maybe...maybe I can be happy again.

"Don't bother picking me up today for lunch. In fact, don't bother me anymore. I'm sorry Yoongi but, I can't do this anymore. I don't understand your ways. I just don't understand you. You've changed and I don't like it. I'm sorry. Take care of yourself," I left a message on the voice mail.

It was usual for Yoongi not to answer his cell, being that he is an idol and all. As I sat my phone onto the coffee table, I could feel my heart start to pound hard and fast. Soon , tears started to fall down my cheeks rapidly. Then, I began to cry uncontrollably.

"How did we get to this?" I sobbed.

I thought Yoongi was the one for me. I thought that nothing would ever be able to break us up but, there was. I sat in my dark, cold bedroom, staring at myself in my vanity mirror. My makeup was a mess, my clothes were a mess and emotionally I was a mess. I started to reminisce as I tearfully stared at a famed photo Yoongi and I took on our first date at an amusement park.

"I don't think I can do this, Yoongi," I shouted over the sounds of screams and roller coasters taking off.

Yoongi just looked at me as he grinned from ear to ear.

"What are you so afraid of [y/n]?" He asked in my ear.

I watched as more people loaded onto the roller coaster train. I noticed a elderly woman who was too excited sit next to her grandson who was even more excited than she was.

"I just don't like heights," I yelled as I continued to watch them lock in.

As I nervously watched everyone get locked into their seats, I felt fingers gently tug at my chin. Yoongi, with gentleness, pulled my head towards his direction. He gazed into my eyes as he gave a small smile.

"I am here with you. There's no need to be afraid as long as I am here. I will protect you as we ride this thing...together," Yoongi sweetly assured, following a light kiss on my lips.

I couldn't hold back a hug smile that made me look like a fool. That was the first time Yoongi and I kissed. My palms grew sweaty as we held hands through the long wait until we entered one of the trains. Although I was still extremely terrified, I still felt comforted with Yoongi beside me. We stared into each others eyes as we slowly took off.

As I thought back to both good and bad memories Yoongi and I created, I flipped through a photo book Yoongi gave me as a Valentine's Day gift years ago.

"I can't believe you would do such a thing! Even after I told you that I wasn't okay with it!" Yoongi shouted to me.

I just stared at him in complete shock as his friends watched in horror. Apparently, they have never seen their friend so pissed off before.

"I didn't have any choice, Yoongi. It was in the script!" I yelled back.

Yoongi was upset with me because of a kiss scene I was involved in during a play, I auditioned for. Thinking that he would be there for my support and to say that he is proud of my acting, that I practiced endless hours on, at the end of the play. Instead, once I met up with him and his friends after the play, he was obviously angry. He couldn't hide it to save his life. I knew there would be trouble but, I went to go kiss him anyway. He pulled away from me and quickly grabbed my wrist and lead me to the car. 

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