Chapter 3: Exlore

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Chapter 3: Exlore

“So, where are we going, again?” Jake asked. 

“The capital of Narabithia,” Tabitha answered. “Chrystal City. We’re going there so I can show you, in more depth, why you’re here.”

“Oh,” he said.

“See, Chrystal City holds many things. Sadly, secrets are one of them,” Tabitha said.

“Explain,” Jen said.

“Chrystal City is the capital, as I have said, so of course it will have many things. Like people, animals, tech, jewels, etc,” Tabitha explained.  “But it has more secrets then all of those things combined. Some of them hold great joy; but most of them just hold sorrow.”

“That’s either a really small capital, or that’s a lot of secrets,” Rusty said.

“When we get there you’ll see why there is so much mystery to the city,” Tabitha replied. As they continued walking, a stump blocked their path.

“Nichan! Who dares to cross my path without a pass?” it said.

“My dear troll, I have a pass right here,” Tabitha said, pulling a plastic card out of thin air. She showed it to the stump.

A short, stubby man appeared from the stump. He had crazy brown hair that stood up in all directions and wild grey eyes. His skin was cracked and brown, as if it was made of bark, and his nose looked like a knot on wood.

“Ooh, a Royal Pass. Well, your pass has been revoked,” the troll said.

“Revoked? But that’s not possible. I mean, do you know who I am?” Tabitha said, raising her voice in aggravation.

“Relax, Princa. ‘Course I do. But I ain’t aloud to let anyone in here,” He replied.

“But why?” She whined.

“It’s a…” Suddenly, an explosion interrupted the troll. “War zone.” The forest started to shake. Everyone looked in the direction of the explosion. A stampede of amazing and magical creatures was coming their way.

“Quickly, into the woods!” The troll yelled. They quickly ran into the safety of the redwoods. They stayed there until the animals had all ran past. Then they hopped back onto the path.

“Careful, Princa. The woods are full of dangers,” The troll said, disappearing into the trees.

“I guess that means we can pass,” Tabitha said.

“Is there people up there?” Jen asked. They all looked a head. In the distance, there were three silhouettes; two horses, one of which was carrying the humanoid silhouette. “Is that a Catling?”She asked.

“Let’s see. Maybe they need help,” Tabitha said. She ran closer. The other four ran to catch up. As they got closer they saw that the Catling had shaggy, golden hair. He had a long golden-brown tail that had a golden puff of fur on the end of it, much like that of a lion’s. His side was caked with mud and blood.

“Exlore,” Tabitha said quietly. She ran to the Catling side. She helped him off the horse and onto the ground. He stirred slightly. Tabitha breathed a sigh of relief. “You’re alive,” she said.

When the others caught up, they stared in awe at the horses. The horses had great leathery wings that looked as if they were on fire, changing from red to orange to yellow. They had a large orange horn protruding from their foreheads. Their manes and tails were made of fire, and their bodies were a dark red.

“Wow! A real life pegacorn!” Rusty said.

The larger of the horses turned its head towards her. “Don’t insult us, young lady; we are not corn,” A male voice came from his lips. “We’re pegahorns, and don’t you forget it.”

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