Chapter 26- Transition

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Chapter 26- Transition 

i can feel you through your

lonely eyes, and I hope one

day you'll understand how

everything that hurt us

was everything that made us

who we are.

~ r.m. drake



That's how strong the smell was.


It was me, it was all me. The odour was encasing me, strangling my senses and blocking my throat from breathing.

I didn't want to breath.

I couldn't breathe.

I understood what the smell was. It was simple.

It was death.

Darkness twisted its hideous fingers around me as my senses became more and more obscure. Should I shout out for help? I couldn't see anything or anyone!?

I was alone.

Was this what death felt like?


The stench of your own death invading your senses and never letting you forget that you were gone.

"Hello?!" I shrieked.

"someone help me" to no avail not a single sound.

What was going on? Where was I? The last thing I remember is Gina stabbing me with a piece of silver. Is this what death felt like? My parents had always told me that when you die your soul goes up to the moon goddess where you are at peace.

Why was I not there then? Why did I feel so restless?

I should logically be dead. But why didn't I feel dead? I felt like there was still something that was anchoring me to earth, not letting me leave.

"Hello!" I wailed again. I wanted someone to hear me, but knew I was talking to nothing. To emptiness.

"Dear child" a voice echoed towards me. It was the same women, the one who had spoken to me before. I recognised her voice. It felt warm, soft, familiar.

"Am I dead?" I asked simply. I didn't know why I was here. I needed answers. I needed out.

"My dear child, there is still much to do" she answered simply, as I scrunched my face in confusion. What the fuck is going on? I wanted answers! And I wanted them now!

"Am I dead?" I stated again, my tone was rude but what could you expect?

"There is still much to do dear child" she simply replied.

What was this womens problem? Did she want to help me or not? What is her agenda in all of this? Either let me die or send me back to earth the choice is simple.

"Your mind is a powerful tool, but it seems you still don't understand" she said simply, her voice as smooth as silk and comforting.

I knew she was trying to help me, but at this point I just needed to know what was going on. I wanted her to tell me what happened, not for the lady to calm me down.

"She didn't kill you" the women declared as I rolled my eyes. She should stop with the riddles and explain to me plain and simple.

I was assuming she was speaking about Gina. After all she is the one who stabbed me with the silver.

I Dare You To Reject Me Mr AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now