Arnav (mutters):  I have good ideas... so what if mine are a bit practical?

RK (grins):  You're absolutely right munchkin.  I am Superstar RK...Filmy andaaz is my specialty.  (Conspiratorially) Don't worry...I'll help your daddy too...or all he'll do is try to make deals with your Mama.

Tara giggles at this comment as Arnav glares at RK.

Damn his hide!  My deals work...most of the time...ok...half of the time...ok...dammit!  Worked in my favor only a handful of times.  What the...!

Tara tired of imparting her wisdom to her daddies, runs to the s****line.  She shrieks with delight as she feels the cold waves hit her body in succession.  Arnav and RK run after her.  Fearful that she may get pulled into the sea current with the strong waves.  They hold her hands tight and let her enjoy the feel of the water for a few minutes.

Arnav:  Ok...enough!  Come on Tara...we are getting out of the water.

Tara (pouting):  But daddy...this is so much fun!

RK:  Making sand castle is much more fun!  Let's have a competition, whoever makes the best sand castle...wins... (pulling out a chocolate bar from his pocket) this!

Tara (excited): want to play!  I'll make the best sand castle...I am a big girl.  A smart girl...I am going to win!

Arnav and RK pull her out from the water and set her down onto the sand.

RK:  Ok...munchkin...competition starts now!

Tara gets busy trying to create her masterpiece.  She must win; a competitive yummylicious Godiva chocolate?

Hello!  Tara...wants to have to win that chocolate.  I am a big girl now... I will make Mama and Mima proud!  Make my castle just the way they do it.

As Tara is busy with her little project, Arnav and RK just fiddle with the sand.  They smile at the look of utter concentration on their baby girl's face.  She's such a delight to observe!

Arnav (out of curiosity):  I have been meaning to ask you RK.  How come you're so gung ho about providing Madhu with armed escorts?  Don't get me's an excellent idea.

RK:  Someone tried to scare Madhu the other night.

Arnav:  Ahh yes...Khushi told me...well...more like accused me of stalking them.

RK:  Women...they just jump to the wrong conclusion.

Arnav:  Tell me about it.  (Gingerly touching his black, well purple, eye) And damned violent too!

RK (shudders thinking about Madhu's kick to his groin):  Who would have thought?  I mean...I knew I married a sherni.  In fact, I love Madhu's fighting spirit...but damn!  She's got a mean streak...and woman knows to hit where it damned hurts!

Arnav (nods his head):  Ditto.  I love Khushi's fighting spirit...but I didn't know she could punch like that.  Damn!  I actually have a bruise!  So what were you saying about this stalker?  You think he can be a threat to Tara?

RK (shudders again):  He better not hurt my ladies... (Eyes burning with rage) or I'll hunt him down, tear him from limb to limb and feed him to my dogs.  (Calming a bit and siighing deeply) I am afraid...he may be the same...person...who threatened Madhu's life 5 years ago.

Arnav (looks sharply at RK):  Threatened?!?

RK (closes his eyes in pain):  It all started the day we were going to our family picnic.  Before we could make it to my farm house, we got into a mini accident with the car.  We ended up stranded in a village as I got the car fixed by a mechanic.  The morning after, I found out that the brakes were tempered with.  (Smiling sardonically) Good thing I wasn't driving too fast as usual.  We ended up in a ditch as I lost control of the car.

Arnav pales slightly on hearing RK's story.  This is too eerily familiar.

RK (continuing):  There were a few other "innocent" attempts on Madhu's life after we returned back home.  She didn't even know that her life was in danger.  (Clenching his fists in anger) I didn't know what to do...who to kill for daring to harm my Biwi.  Then came the damned letter from the stalker.  Blackmailing that I should leave MY Biwi or she'll be brutally murdered in front of my very eyes.  The damned **** had the nerve to threaten MY Biwi!  (Bleakly) I would do anything to keep my Madhu safe.  So I had to play the revenge card with her and didn't complete our marriage.  She'll never know...but it was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

Arnav is now completely pale, erratic thoughts plaguing his mind. can't be...this sounds way too...familiar...!'s just a bloody coincidence.  How can it be...the same?  Impossible...can't be!  Can it?

Arnav (controlling his emotions):  Who was the letter from RK?

RK looks sharply at Arnav.

What's going on?  He's so damned pale.  And why is Arnav asking that question?  Hmmm...I remember Madhu saying that he didn't complete his marriage with Khushi...because he wanted to protect her too...from some danger.  Could it be...he's comparing his story to mine?  That can't be!  None of knew each other back then!  Let me put him out of his misery...tell him the author of the letter.

RK:  Arnav...I don't know what difference it will make in knowing who aut****d that disgusting letter.  But it was penned by: Number One Fan, Not. 

Bruised HeartsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin