·*◟ t w e n t y o n e ◜‧*·

185 5 3

責め苛む excruciate | 章 ❷❶

" a ninteen year old boy, named park jimin, was found dead at 7th alley at around 4 in the morning by a passerby. his body was left with deep wounds and blood splattered all around the ground. the medical examiner present in the crime scene believed he was stabbed to death. apparently, the local police are still trying to identify who murdered this innocent young man. "

                    cold tears streamed down my face as i stared at the television screen. i watch jimin's lifeless body being taken away. i grasped on my hair while i heaved in pain.

the phone rang.
it was jimin's mother.

i ran out of my house.

no, it's not jimin.
it can't be him.
i tried to convince
myself that it's not him.

i ran as fast as i could
while clutching on the
sleeve of my sweater,
containing the tears.

then there he was.

his parents were clasping on jimin's frail body that is covered with blood. i approached his lifeless body slowly as tears began falling from my eyes.

i wrapped him in my embrace keening while pressing my lips against his blood stained forehead.

" j-jimin, i love you. i'm sorry " i let out a cry of pain.

"i'm sorry i can't be the girl that you wished me to be. i'm sorry i had loved you less." i held his hand near to my heart. "i'll keep every memory of us—the good ones and the bad."

i hugged him tightly for the last time and kissed him good bye as the police were trying to pull me away from him.

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