Jc heard the sound of what was footsteps nearing the door, then a click from the other side that meant he had unlocked the door.

"Hey Connor," Jc grinned, letting himself in, but Connor put his arm in between the outside and the inside of his house.

"Jc? What are you doing here?..." Connor laughed nervously.

"What's your deal? I come here every weekend...and I'm killing time until I go on my date with Lia," Jc explained, trying to push past Connor again, but was stopped once more by Connor's arm blocking the way inside his house.

"What's going on Connor?..." Jc asked, finding Connor's behavior unusual.

Connor looked back into the house then back at Jc as if he was hiding something.

"Okay listen Jc, I'm going to tell you something but you have to promise to not get mad," Connor said.

Jc was now terrified of what Connor was about to say. What would he get mad about?

The suspense continued as Connor brought him inside alas.

Jc subtly looked around Connor's living room to see if he could spot something out of the ordinary. Everything seemed to be in place.

Connor beckoned Jc to sit down next to him on the couch. Jc obliged, just wanting to hear what Connor was going to say.

Connor took in a deep breath before starting. "You know those photography classes I've been taking after school?.." He reminded.

"Yes, what about them?" Jc wondered, still not figuring out where this was going.

"Well they left us a project, it was that we had to find someone who portrays something, I can't find a way to explain it, but pretty much we chose a model and then we take pictures of them and create a theme. The winner will get 5,000 dollars which is really good to buy new photography equipment. What I'm saying is that this is really important to me and well... I had to cross some lines in order to really portray my theme," Connor finished off.

Jc's brow furrowed, "That's great Connor! I'm sure you'll win," Jc grinned widely, proud of his friend.

"Please don't do that, now I just feel like even more terrible person," Connor groaned, putting his hands in his head.

"Connor what are talking about-" Jc asked him again.

"Connor what-" He heard someone say from behind the couch.

That voice. Jc recognized that voice.

He slowly turned around to confirm his suspicions.

"God no, not you," Jc rolled his eyes at the boy who also looked surprised to see him.

They both glared at each other then turned their eyes toward Connor who awkwardly looked away from them.

"What the fuck?" Kian spat out, his fist balled up in anger.

"Kian I didn't know Jc was going to be here," Connor pleaded, standing up from the couch, Jc followed his movement, but made his way to the door.

I Love to Hate You (Jian AU)Where stories live. Discover now