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group messaging

toenail stark

hey kiddies




i thought of something


aw baby's first thoughts 

toenail stark

i will shove my iron fist so far up ur ass evans that my fingers will come out of your nose

jerkemy renner

i guess u can replace the dude that plays u in that cacw porno if ur into fisting

tom smolland


ant dick

gotta give them props, they did their own stunts(at least i think so)

scarlett fever

ok that's enough porno talk what does rdj have to say

mack daddy

lmao that rhymed

toenail stark

we should go to the bar after shooting on friday

cuz we get out early ya feel

and then saturday we can all watch the fireworks together

not u tho tom ur like 7

tom smolland

i turned 20 literally a week ago 

toenail stark

like i said

ur 7


baby's first thoughts ain't bad

scarlett fever

i can see if i can get someone to take care of rose on fri but im sure i can scoop someone

lizzie mcguire

this sounds good and stuff


isn't ur bedtime like 4 pm tho robbie

toenail stark 

u know what lizzie 

i'll kill u

lizzie mcguire

i'm shaking in my boots


actually lizzie is barefoot so

that's a lie

lizzie mcguire

i found someone to replace me in the movies

mo can play the new version of the scarlet witch

she'll be called the scarlet snitch




 mack daddy

ok ladiez

let's tone it down a bit

toenail stark

lizzie started it

lizzie mcguire

shut up grandpa

toenail stark


imogen ur more than welcome to join us

we'll be at hugo's probably around 8 

we get off at 6 but we need time to freshen up, take a nap or two u feel


yeah i'd love to!

lil old me never has any plans on friday nights

and fireworks sounds like a ton of fun

i usually go with my sister but i can skip out this year


yay immy joining in on cast plans

when do u start filming 4 girls again?


we don't start until september! 

so im good with anything until then

jerkemy renner

you'll probs get into a ton of cast parties and outings with us

not a bad thing tho


aw yall don't have to do this

i'm not even a part of the mcu

lizzie mcguire

it's bc we love u so much

tom smolland

especially seb 

lizzie mcguire

and liz


luv u both

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