Chapter 27: Bad Effects

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cartoonjunkie - DeviantArt


It was the next day.

Runa was released from the hospital. Her and Jack were going back today. That was the decision, they were going back to Ireland. I wanted to support their decision but how could I? Runa did whatever her dad did, but I didn't like this. I wasn't just supposed to have a sister and ignore it.

I was told to try my best to ignore it.

"Hey El.." I turn my head to Runa, who looked better since she got sleep. "I'll really try to be in contact with you. I really haven't known you that long, but I feel like we're always going to be with each other, if we aren't physically."

"Well no duh, we're twins." I say.

"Yeah, I wasn't really sure if that made any sense but.. I think you might understand?" She shrugs.

But of corse we would, we're sisters.

I take a deep breath as I hear voices and footsteps outside of the door.

".. in touch after we leave. For the girls' sake." Jack's voice had been the first one I heard. I walked over to the door as Runa went to get her bag.

"Yeah." I looked through the peep hole and saw them both. For a while, neither made eye contact or said a word, until Jack spoke up.

"I just.. I-... Fock it." Jack pulls the back of dads head towards himself. They kissed, and I actually found this one sort of adorable. Since I found out that Jack was intoxicated I wasn't really happy. But they were both sober and in control of their own mindsets.

I turned to Runa who looked up at me. I raised my eyebrows a few times to let her know what was going on. She threw her stuff down and pushed me out of the way.

"Finally!" She whispered, "The sexual tension between those two was unreal."

Um.. Okay?

"They're talking." She whispers quietly. I put my ear against the door and listen.

".. don't know why I did that I'm really sorry I-" That came from Jack, but it was cut off.

"They're kissing again." She whispers. I roll my eyes and smirk. She then looked unhappy, and her eyes unfocused from the peep hole, looking more and more down. She turns around and starts walking away.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask her. She doesn't answer and keeps walking. I walk over and follow her. "Runa what's wrong?" Before I can get to her she turns around with an expression I've never seen out of her.

"What? Nothing's wrong Elise just leave me alone!" I was taken aback by her yelling in my face. What the heck?

3rd person

Mark and Jack just stood in the hallway not saying a word- mostly because they were enjoying the moment. But it was quickly cut off by yelling inside the room.

"-Just leave me alone!" Mark took out his card key as fast as he could and opened the door.

For some reason they expected Elise to be the one yelling, since Runa hated fights with a passion. But to their surprise it was Runa.

"Hey!" Jack spoke up, "What the heck?"

"Shut up! You people are making me pissed off!" Jacks eyes widened at her attitude, "Let's just get our fucking stuff and leave since no one cares.. or wants to talk about what the hell even happened on this trip ever again."

"Okay excuse me missy." Jack came closer to her, "You never give me attitude, why now?" Elise backs up and walks over to Mark, a little scared.

"Because this is so fucking stupid." She calls out. "Why the hell would you keep your daughters away from each other because of some mistake one of you made. I just don't understand why if you two really love each other, why won't you! It's that simple! Neither of you will tell us what happened so we don't know. I just don't want to know my sister for less than a month.. and never.. never see her afterwards." Her expression shifts from anger to sadness. She lifts her hand to her mouth and falls to the floor. Jack runs to her side and keeps comforts her.

"Don't worry honey I think I know what's wrong." He tells her. "I think it's your medicine. Your moods are all over the place.

"I'm sorry!" She bawls. "Please disregard everything I said!"

Everyone knew in the room that she didn't just say that because of the medicine. The medicine helped get her feelings out. Those were ways she felt but no one took the time to ask her about it. Everyone felt bad.

"Da..d.." She sobbed between syllables. "I.. have.. a bad.. headache." She grabbed tissues and wiped the tears.

"Yeah, I bet so." Jack rubbed her back, as she continued to cry her medicine out.

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