Chapter 8: I'm Not Elise

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J-Jack... In a beanie...? W-Wha? *ded* I just love this picture even though it's a little old.


The last day went by so fast, I didn't bother spending much time out walking around, I'd seen everything. I spent the rest of my day with Elise and the guys.

But now, I was going home. I knew Elise was already on the flight. I was supposed to fly back at seven in the morning. But with Elise, it takes about 9-10 hours to get there and with time zones it would be about 12:00 AM or 1:00 AM in Ireland when she got there, but it would only be 5:00 in LA.

Elise and I switched phones too, and swapped numbers.

I was currently waiting for Tom to take me home. I don't really know him, but I planned to tell him. I felt like he was one of Felix, Bob, or Wade. He deserves to know. Elise may not be too happy about it, but I think I'm right.

I was actually with him right now. I was just finishing packing up Elise's things. I zipped up her backpack and grabbed her other bag.

"Ready!" I yell. I hear his footsteps come into the room.

"Alright let's head out." He motions for me to follow him. I get up and we walk out the door. I put my things in the car, get it, and he starts it. He was about to put the car into drive, but I stop him.

"W-Wait." I hold my hand out. He looks at me curiously. "Before you start driving. I need to tell you something."

He doesn't reply, just sits back and waits for my explanation.

"It's probably going to be a little weird, but I know that you knew me once. And that sounds weird. So I'm going to tell you before anything becomes more confusing." I sigh, Tom looked at me almost like I was crazy. "I-I'm not Elise."

His expression slowly changed to once that had really? written all over it.

"Runa what are you doing in my car?"

I smiled brightly at him, "Hi."

"Wait so if you're here then Elise is..?" He waits for me to continue.

".. On a plane to Ireland to see my dad." He puts his hands in his face.

"Mark's gonna kill me."

"No! He won't if he doesn't know. Elise and I met here. We exchanged our family information and we know a lot about each other's lives. We want to know who our other dad is." I plead. "Don't tell him."

"I'm just not going to talk to him much about your trip then. I'm not really good at lying.." He confesses.

"Don't worry, me either." I tell him. He puts the car into drive and starts driving.

"So I have a question for you that both Elise and I are trying to figure out." I tell him. "What happened.. Y'know.. Between Mark and my dad?"

"Who knows?" He sighs. "I've asked Mark many times, but he just ended up walking away. Both him and Sean are the only ones who know. I don't think you'd be able to get it out of him without him realizing you're not Elise." He explains.

"Oh, okay." I sit back.

"But.. Just between you and me.." He starts. "I think Mark met a girl.." I turn and looks at him in surprise. "But I'm not sure."

I really hope that's not true..

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