Chapter 25: Did We Just?

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Before my eyes even opened to see daylight my head was pounding. I groaned and put my hands to my head. I don't even remember what I did to have my head pounding so hard.

When I tried to push myself off the bed, I noticed I had arms wrapped around me. My head whipped around and I saw Mark. What the hell?

I quickly jumped out of bed, his arms slipping off of me. "Mark? What the hell are you doing?" My head pounded with every word.

"Hmm?" He rubbed his eyes then opened them. "Oh, morning Jack. I bet that hangover is a bitch." He chuckles.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" I ignore him telling me that I had been drunk the night before.

"Wow, you must've been really drunk then." He chuckles. "You let me in."

I stand there, both of us shirtless. I tried to calm down, but I had so many questions. "Why did I let you in?" I ask him.

"I needed to talk to you. We talked and you were very open." He admits. "You told me you missed me, then I figured out you were drunk." He bites his lip, and I know he's unsure whether to continue, but he does. "Then you... well.. were all over me."

I put my hand to my head, smacking myself like the idiot I am. "Gosh I am fucking stupid." I then look at him again and ask the begging question on my mind, "Did we.. do anything?"

His eyes widen, "Oh no! I kept telling you that you weren't sober so I wouldn't do anything. I would never take advantage of you like that." He reassured me, but it didn't explain the shirts.

"Our.. shirts?" I ask him. He smiles and starts laughing.

"Okay, that's a funny story." He gets up and off the bed. "You um, had gotten a little carried away last night and took my shirt off. I told you no we weren't going to do anything. You threw a small fit and ran around with it. Then put it somewhere, and I still have yet to find it." He laughs, "As for yours, I have no clue why you took it off." He says

I couldn't help but laugh at myself. It sounds like something I'd do. I hold my head and walk out and start making coffee.

"Hey Mark, where's your daughter?" I ask. I looked at the clock and it was 10:23.

He was silent for a moment before I heard an, "Oh shit. Well, I wouldn't doubt if she's awake, for how late she got to bed last night. And I'm going to use your bathroom." I roll my eyes. He could change subjects so quickly.

I go find myself a shirt and put it on. Turn back and see Mark standing there looking annoyed. I was really confused as his glare stared into my soul.

"I hate you Jack." He points to the bathroom. I walk over, curious. I peak into the bathroom and start bursting out laughing as soon as I see his blue shirt in the toilet.

"I'm.." I try to breathe, I couldn't believe I did something like that drunk. "I'm so fucking sorry." He rolls his eyes and his stern look- which I figured out was fake- softened. He then started laughing along with me.


That Night

I payed the taxi driver as I got out, I walked into the doors of the hospital and went up in the elevator to my sisters floor.

I saw nurses around at their stations, and they didn't seem to mind me walking around. It was probably normal to have families here late.

I saw her door was cracked, and gave a light knock on her door. I walked in and saw Runa awake and the nurse changing her bag of saline.

"Wow, when you said you had a twin I didn't expect you two to look so alike." The nurse seemed very nice.

"Yeah we get that." Runa says, and is actually able to speak, not having a oxygen tube anymore. I sit in the chair and wait for the nurse to leave. Once she does, Runa turns to me, "Why are you here? Where's dad and Mark?"

"They're back at the hotel." I decided to hold off on giving her details at this moment in time. "I was not getting sleep knowing you were in here. So I left."

"You just left?" She gave me a question if look. "Like, not telling them or anything?" I shook my head, making her sigh.

"Well I wrote a note, they probably won't see it until they start looking." I run my fingers through my hair.

"Could you um.. Fill me in?" Runa asks me, I was confused on what she meant though, "I've been on these drugs they've given me, I really only remember snippets of things. I remember getting ice cream, then waking up here. I remember dad crying, then just Mark. I can't remember anything else though."

"Well my dad knows about us switching. You had a seizure from what the doctors said was cerebral palsy. You're very mild with it though and with medication it can be helped but not cured. You talked to my dad but I'm not sure about what. Your dad was crying and I felt bad. That's about as much as I can recall." I tell her.

"Well.. okay. If you want to try to get some rest, you can sleep next to me." She says. I smile and take up her offer.


I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, I pull it from my pocket, Runa somehow not waking up.

"Hello?" My groggy voice echoes through the phone.

"Where the hell did you go?" Dads voice rings in my ears. "And why did you take my money?"

"Well, I went to bed I can tell you that." I joked with him, but I could tell he wouldn't be joking. I was a real bitch to him sometimes.

"Okay but where are you in bed?" He says, "You can't just leave and not tell me Elise!"

Since it was the morning, I was being extra bitchy, "Well, I was going to tell you- I truly was. But when you weren't there when I woke up I was a little worried. So I did some investigating. When I finally found you- you were a little too busy to talk to me."

"What do you- oh." His voice cuts off and he figured out what I meant.

"And for your other question. I took your money because I went to go see my sister. I couldn't sleep because I was worried. So I'm sorry but I had a problem and you were too busy to deal with it at that moment, so I did. I just hope you're glad I left you a note this time."

"Okay Elise why would you even-" I was done with his shit. I hung up and took a deep breath, trying to not throw my phone across the room.

I hadn't noticed Runa had woken up while I was talking, "Do you often get in fights with him like this?"

"No, I don't." My ringer goes off again, but I ignore his call, "Only had one major fight with him. We usually just bicker until one of us apologizes."

"Please don't fight with him once he gets here. You both are on vacation, there's really no need to be upset now." She looked at me, and I could tell she was really tired.

"I wish it were that easy Runa. I've made him mad, and he's made me mad there's no going back now."

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