Chapter 17: Explinations Please?

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I can't believe they've met. They most likely know the story along with it.. That's great.

Both Rune and Elise walk into the hotel room.

"So.. Elise.. Or Rune... Rune." I say, "So, M-Mark's here?" I stuttered out saying his name. I hadn't said it in years.

"Yeah... he's the floor beneath us." Rune says. I sit down, and Elise sits across from me, giving a stare.

"Runa, sit." Elise points to next to me. Runa obeys and sits next to me. "I need to talk to you about your lifestyles..." She puts her hand to her chin. "Especially bathroom choices."

My hand slaps over my mouth. I knew what she was talking about. I move my mouth a small bit just so I can tell her, "Oh Elise I'm so sorry."

Elise chuckles. "It's fine, you didn't know. But I'm still curious why I full grown man still walks into the bathroom when his daughter is 13?" She asks.

"I.. I don't know.. Neither of us really care I guess. It's just an act of trust." I spoke up.

"Since you're asking questions I have lots for you." I say. She looks scared. "Why do you throw up your food?" It was pretty obvious her "cramps" did not cause her to throw up. (Reminder: Elise's cramps are almost non-existent)

"You did WHAT?" Runa yells. I shush her and she somewhat calms down. "You don't know how much your family cares about you! Your father spent one night scolding me about needing to eat when I felt homesick. I had no fucking clue of what was going on. Your uncle explained it to me. He had a look of devastation in his eyes. He was worried about you. Later your dad apologized to me, he told me he just worries about you and wants you to be better. And your arms? What's with that! People care okay Elise! We all care!"

I stared wide eyed at my own daughter for getting so protective. I glanced at Elise and saw her start to tear up.

"I'm sorry okay! ...I have trouble with a lot of things. I don't function like a normal human being. People just worry me." She confesses, I knew I was missing a huge picture here, but Rune seemed to connect it.

"People? As is Jeremiah?" Elise's head shoots up.

"You ignored those messages like I said.. Right?" She says through closed teeth.

"How could I? They were vulgar... I'm sorry but your dad knows." Rune gives Elise a look as if she's apologizing through expression.

Elise looked like she was going to burst into tears. I could almost guess the story now. I got up and wrapped my arms around Elise, she latched onto my arms.

"You still c-care even though I'm not your da-daughter?" She sobs.

"What do you mean? You're my daughter." I take one arm away and pull Rune into the hug. "You are both me daughters."

As we embrace in a hug, someone's phone goes off.

"Oh, that's me." Rune takes out her- or.. Elise's phone? "Uh.. Mark wants me back.. Elise do you want to stay or..?" Rune wasn't sure what to do.

"Well," Elise wipes some tears. "I'd rather. Id go back to him like this, but you probably don't want your daughter to be around your ex, now that you know about it." She sighs, looking at the pattern on her jeans.

"Just because he's my ex doesn't mean anything. He's as much of your father as I am. If one of you wants to stay and one wants to go, I don't mind. I'm here to love you both." I tell them both.

"I think I'll go back.. I don't think Elise is quite ready yet, and you seem to understand things, dad. I'm going to go give Mark a while longer of accomplishment that somehow his daughter is okay." Rune stands up. She hugs me, "I'll text you dad, I love you."

I place a kiss on her forehead. "I love you too." She waves goodbye and walks out. I turn my focus back to Elise, who was slowly seeming to do better.

"I'm sorry." She sniffs, "I don't like getting emotional around people.."

"It's absolutely fine darling. I'm here."

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