Chapter 3: Mirror

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I'm just putting random crap for the pictures


I walked into the convention on the second day, I knew I wouldn't be able to go on the first day, that it would be too crowded.

But the first thing I did when I got into there, was use the bathroom. The bathrooms were really nice, not all disgusting.

I went out to was my hands and another girl came out. I didn't really look at her, but when I glanced, I saw myself in the mirror. But, with different clothes on.

She didn't really look at me. I dried my hands, and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Excuse me miss." She turned to look at me, we both had the same expression of fear written on our faces. We were exact copies of each other, just with different clothes.

"H-How are you..?" She started off. I would suggest she was a doppelgänger, but she looked way too much like me.

We heard someone enter the bathroom. She took my arm. "We have to continue this somewhere else." We ran off to somewhere backstage.

"A-Am I aloud back here?" I asked her.

"Well I'm aloud, and you look exactly like me. So yes you're aloud." She says. It was pretty dark behind everything.

"I want to figure out where you come from." It was her saying that, that I realized she had a Danish accent too.

"Y-You're Danish?" I stutter. I was kind of scared.

"Yeah... And you are too. Who are your parents?" She asks hopeful.

"Well, I was adopted.. I don't know who my parents are." I say loud enough for her to hear me over the people.

"I... I was too." She admits. "My names Elise." She introduces herself, holding out her hand.

"I'm Runa.." I shake her hand. "This is so weird though. I mean how... How could my dad not know there was another twin?"

"Your dad?" She asks in confusion. "I only have a dad too.. That's weird."

My face turned from confusion, to realization, to shock.

"Elise.." I say.

"Yes?" She says.

"What's your dads name and were does he work?" I ask very fast. I grabbed my phone and brought up my browser.

"Uh.. His name is Mark and he's a YouTuber." She says. "His YouTube name is Markiplier"

"My dads name is Jack.. Well it's really Sean, but his YouTube name is Jacksepticeye." I took a deep breath and was ready to tell her. "Elise.. My dad was gay."

She gave me a look of confusion, like she didn't know how it all fit together. I typed into my browser, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye

A few videos came up of gameplay with the two. She looked at me, then back to the screen. I scrolled down to find a Wiki link. I started reading aloud,

"Markiplier and Jacksepticeye were one of Youtubes most famous couples. They got married, and adopted two twins, Elise and Runa."

She started backing up. "There's no way this is true.. Dad told me everything." She said in disbelief. She wanted to stop believing the article, but told me to continue.

"The famous married couple divorced one day, no one knew why besides them. When Jack moved back to Ireland, he took one of his daughters with him. Jack, Mark, Elise, and Runa have never been heard of to be together at once place ever again. Every once in a while, the girls will play video games with their father, or take pictures on social media. But their story is mostly unknown."

I stop there. Elise looked almost in tears.

"You're my sister... Holy fucking shit, you're my sister." She said. "I have another dad. Holy shit."

In my mind, I was doing the exact same thing. But I've learned how to stay calm on the outside. Most of the time.

"Elise, c'mon lets calm down." I tell her.  "We can go talk to someone about this."

"Yeah! We can go talk to Felix!" She says.

"Wait what? You mean Felix as in Pewdiepie? He's here?" I ask her excitedly.

"Yeah! Why?" She replies.

"Felix is like an uncle to me." I say. "I didn't know he was here." I would've said something to him if I would've known he was here.

"Yeah, he's like an uncle to me too." She said. We both look at each other. Then say in unison,

"He's got some explaining to do."

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