Chapter 26: I'm Sorry

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Rujenable - DeviantArt

3rd Person

Elise was prepared for the anger and punishments her father was about to throw at her. She was being a bit unreasonable, but she believed he was too.

Runa became more tired. She knew she would be released today if everything went well, but no one else knew that yet. Runa continuously tried to cover up her arms with her blankets, from the endless shots and needles they put in her arm. She bruised easily and it was making her look worse. For some reason she seemed embarrassed by this.

Both Mark and Jack arrived at the hospital together. Jack still had a bit of a hangover from drinking. He tried to pull through this, even though he only ever drank on special occasions. And even more rarely got flat out drunk.

Runa and Elise had been in the room still, but Elise became aware of how irrational she was. She freaked out and locked her self in the bathroom, not wanting to talk to her dad.

Runa had a plan to try to work everything out before it blew up in her face. Last thing she wanted was a fight to occur.

Runa was sitting up on her bed, yet still covering herself with the blankets. She quickly took a drink of her water before her dads came in the room.

She heard the knock, then they both emerged from the hall. Runa spoke up before they got a change to.

"No one is fighting as long as they're in my room. You both have to follow my instructions so we can all work this out smoothly." Runa tells them both. "Mark you stay in here with me. Then Elise you can go to the hallway with dad!" Runa yells so Elise can hear her.

The bathroom door opens and Elise slowly emerges with a hoodie over her head. Before walking out with Jack, she opens Mark's hand and put the change in. She mutters a soft, "I'm sorry." And walks out the door.

Mark stood confused as she walked out with Jack.

"She's really sorry for what she did." Runa tells Mark. "She will tell you that once she talks to you, but I want you to know it's pretty much my fault. If I wasn't in here she wouldn't've had a reason to leave."

Mark turns to Runa and shakes his head. "No, you're not the one at fault here. You can't do anything about that. You better not start blaming yourself for this." He tells her, but she can't help but feel somewhat responsible.

"Then don't tell me you blame her completely or yourself completely. You both weren't thinking right at that point." Mark knowing that Runa knew what happened the night before, made him a little uncomfortable

"I.. won't." He says. "And I never did.. She had good points."

"Okay. Then please don't get mad at her. I really am just scared for that."

Not long after their conversation, Jack walks back in. Mark and him switch spots and Runa can finally talk to her father.

"Is she alright?" Runa asks Jack.

"She's upset about what she did. She's scared Mark's going to be super mad at her. I tried to calm her down but I only think Mark can.." He sat in the chair next to Runa. "But how've you been? Ye seem like your not high." He tried to joke around with her, but she didn't laugh.

"We'll um, everything sort of.. hurts more?" She closes her eyes for a moment. Then removes the blankets off of her. "These are just awful. I hate being seen without the blankets on." She motions to the bruises on her body.

"Oh sweetie, ye are fine. They don't define ye. We all know what happened, so don't feel embarrassed by them. It's not like ye could've prevented it." Jack gave a big smile to his daughter, and she game one back.

"Did you know if everything goes well I can be released today?" Runa moves the subject to something happier.

"Really? I didn't know that. That'd be good since we leave tomorrow." Jacks words seemed to have sunken into the both of them. Runa would have to go back to her normal life with Jack, and Elise with Mark. Now that Elise and Runa have met, what were Mark and Jack going to do? They couldn't keep sisters away now after they found out.

Neither of them spoke up, but they were thinking of loopholes around this situation.

"I really don't want to move back to L.A.." Jack puts his head in his hands. "It's just so stressful moving."

"Well, we don't have to move. They don't either. I guess we could stay as we always have. I know neither Elise or myself would want to stress you or Mark out so much with this. We'd rather keep you two away if that's what you want." Runa was telling what was on her mind, but she would like to see her sister more now.

"But.. She's your sister.." Jack laid his head down on the side of Runa's bed. "I'm not sure what to do Rune."

Runa grabs her fathers hand, "Dad, whatever choice you make, I'll be here to support it."

Jack sighs. He looks at all of the equipment around her, the scenery of the hospital room.

"Rune, I know you love me, but you don't need to follow in my footsteps this much."

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